Kai is a member of CARD and so he cares about dioxane in Ann Arbor.
More 1, 4-dioxane has been remove then Pall claimed to have seeped into the groundwater.
The email goes on and gives an example of a high dioxane reading that was excluded from the reports.
Citizens in Washtenaw County are concerned and so the Coalition for Action on Remediation of Dioxane (CARD) was formed.
Every so often I try to contact Pall about the dioxane clean-up efforts.
For Pinellas Park, Flordia they talk about Methyl Isobutyl Ketone concentrations but Pall neglects to mention dioxane for Ann Arbor.
Question with regard to the dioxane in Ann Arbor, is there a database that holds info about the Dioxane?
Ann Arbor Michigan has a 1, 4 Dioxane plume in the groundwater.
However, from my experience, politicians like to focus in on popular environmental causes (fracking), instead of what has happened (dioxane and oil).
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There is still a lot of 1, 4-dioxane to be remediated even after Pall has removed more dioxane than they said was down there.
In three epidemiologic studies on workers exposed to 1, 4-dioxane, the observed number of cancer cases did not differ from the expected cancer deaths.
Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to high levels of 1, 4-dioxane has caused vertigo, drowsiness, headache, anorexia and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs in humans.
With an unknown amount of dioxane being left to spread at various levels in various directions that are not adequately defined, we should have more monitoring, not less.
Under Dr. Bronner's claim, petroleum-based ingredients and compounds such as 1, 4-dioxane, which in large quantities is an environmental pollutant, in the competing products mislead consumers into thinking they are healthier than nonorganic wares.
In Washtenaw County and Ann Arbor, Michigan a 1, 4-Dioxane, in groundwater and surface soil contamination from Gelman Science, persists after nearly 20 years of cleanup activities and has now spread in groundwater to an area over three miles long and a mile wide.
"There's lead acetate in hair dyes, lead in lipsticks, formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane in baby shampoos and other shampoos, " said Lisa Archer, co-founder and former director of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and current director for the environmental group Friends of the Earth.