You can dip into it for 20 minutes while your wife is drying her hair.
He had to dip into other savings and use up an inheritance to pay the mortgage.
His buttery smooth TV baritone voice comes by way of his nightly dip into Cuban cigars.
Desperate to show decent returns, hedge funds dip into exotic assets--and dig up trouble.
There ought to be plenty of rainy-day funds to dip into now that times are tough.
As a result, households have had to dip into their savings to make ends meet.
You can play the Spartan Ops co-op levels, or dip into a plethora of competitive modes.
It's been a few days since we read from your letters, so let's dip into the mailbox.
Traulsen says the Montgomery fund can be especially volatile because it tends to dip into emerging markets.
Sewanee's Ms. Saxton said the university wouldn't need to dip into its endowment to accommodate the cuts.
"This is going to be an amazing thing for students to pore over and dip into, " he said.
Madonna's dip into Twitter isn't just to promote her album, but also to increase her social media presence.
Dip into these books, even the shallow ones, 15 minutes at a time.
Politicians can no longer dip into state banks to fund their election campaigns.
This is the first time the 17-nation eurozone has seen a country dip into people's savings to finance a bailout.
You may be tempted to dip into savings, sell assets or go deeper into debt to try to save your home.
Will I have to dip into my savings a little or completely exhaust it in order to make the down payment?
FORBES: Rent Ratio Tells You Whether Renting Or Buying Is The Better Deal
Even if economies do not dip into recession, prolonged below-trend growth would push up unemployment and cause inflation to fall further.
To cover the legal costs, Blunkett apparently had to dip into the inheritance he had been saving for his three grown sons.
And having a savings account separate from where you have your checking account lowers the chances that you'll dip into it unnecessarily.
Sure, Bush was unlucky in inheriting an economy that had slowed to 1% growth in 2001 and would soon dip into recession.
But he warned there was no "magic pot" he could dip into.
BBC: Carwyn Jones faces united opposition to Labour's budget
After incurring 401(k) plan losses, why do private workers have to dip into their tax-pockets to pay for fixed public union retirement benefits?
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Although some firms may dip into profits to plug newly exposed gaps, many more will continue the trend of junking defined-benefit schemes altogether.
That could come quicker than having to survive another dip into recession and another fear-filled wait for that recession to reverse into another recovery.
FORBES: The Recovery Was An Illusion But That's A Good Thing
Firms are allowed, for example, to dip into them to pay compensation in cases of misconduct, or to pay corporation tax on shareholders' profits.
Charity trustees will, quite rightly, want to see evidence that your business plan is going to work before agreeing to dip into the institution's reserves.
That surplus is expected to end as early as 2015, and force Social Security to dip into other sources of government revenues to pay retirees.
FORBES: Obama Announces Long Term Budget Cuts; Tax Reform "Not Class Warfare"
Japan's second-biggest carmaker, Honda, also expects to dip into the red.