The diplomat said the move was puzzling for the six nations.
The discussion came as the Syrian government accused the diplomat leading the international effort to forge peace of being biased in favor of the enemies of Damascus.
The British diplomat said the aim was to help people living with Aids, or at risk of it, to lead fulfilled lives and have greater Aids-related risk awareness.
His wanderings free the vagabond-diplomat from the bonds of caste and hierarchy and permit him to talk and deal with everybody in the same way, irrespective of convention and propriety.
The 1940s hero-diplomat crafted the ambitious economic plan that kept half of Europe on democracy's side.
The diplomat said that the Iranians have paved over a large part of the area surrounding a building where the IAEA suspects the Iranians were conducting nuclear experiments.
As Professor Denza points out, the definition of what constitutes the family of a diplomat for the purposes of legal immunity has never been clarified by a judge either.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Diplomatic immunity? Not from the taxman
The panic continued until a diplomat explained the meeting was for government leaders, not heads of state.
But, when Congress crosses the line into undermining the promise of the president's chief diplomat, the good-cop-bad-cop routine becomes a liability.
Kenny Boy left such duties to underlings while he played the part of a folksy diplomat representing the company and its interest on a global scale.
Saint Servatius, responsible for spreading Catholicism to the Low Countries and a diplomat in the fourth century, is buried in the crypt and his relics (i.e. bits of his bone fragment) spookily feature in the basilica's treasury.
Those ownership irregularities were investigated in a 2010 tax inquiry that ultimately led to the resignation of an Indian diplomat and the suspension of Lalit Modi, who helped found the league and was its commissioner until his suspension.
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The Bush administration's senior diplomat on the North Korean nuclear issue, is in Beijing today.
The top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East brushed off suggestions that the deal amounts to a concession to Hezbollah.
After surviving the war, Hessel worked as a French diplomat at the UN, where he was involved in compiling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"I think the next few days are still indeed quite dangerous, " said Jean-Marie Guehenno, the French diplomat who heads the UN's peacekeeping operations.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Challenges facing Lebanon peace force
At Monday's meeting in Brussels, the foreign ministers are expected to consider nominating a German diplomat as the EU's special envoy to Afghanistan in a bid to give the bloc a higher profile as reconstruction efforts gather pace.
As a young boy, Oliver would meet his three half-brothers every week, and at the age of 7 he left France after his mother married a diplomat in the U.S. foreign service, a change that took him to Zambia and Egypt, and eventually boarding school in Britain.
But the prosecutors in the case against the former New York State legislator who offered to serve as a diplomat in the Middle East in lieu of incarceration had an even better idea: Send convicted executives to prison, then they are free to perform the community service of their choosing after they have served their sentence.
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Although the West is concerned about the threat of al-Qaeda - especially in the south of the country - it is not a good reason to keep Mr Saleh in power, said another diplomat in the capital.
The Monroes became very popular in France, where the diplomat's lady received the affectionate name of la belle Americaine.
After holding the diplomat for over a year the militants quietly released him back to Iran in the spring of 2010.
"They need us more than we need them, " says a U.S. diplomat in the region.
This man is not only a warrior, but a diplomat in the best American tradition.
WHITEHOUSE: Change of Command, End of Combat Operations Ceremony
"It's a lot easier to do business in Kazakhstan than Russia, " says a Western diplomat in the region.
In addition, the Holy See's former ambassador to Cuba, Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, is now a high-level diplomat at the Vatican.
His father was a diplomat and the family was often on the move.
"There are things we want that they're not ready to exchange yet, " says a U.S. diplomat in the region.
The diplomat had been a member of the club for about a year at the time of the alleged assaults.