He has relied on diplomatic and political solutions, applying military might sparingly, strategically and powerfully.
It has neither the military muscle nor the diplomatic will for any other course.
He says he's not surprised by the finely tuned diplomatic language in this report.
Sudan's government, under diplomatic pressure, let them in but they didn't want them to act as peacekeepers.
Diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries now ride on the fate of the extradition bill.
Based on all your diplomatic experience, do you think it's wise to set that kind of self-imposed deadline?
Make no mistake, an attack on a diplomatic facility is an act of war.
Coombs contended Manning chose information he knew would not identify diplomatic or intelligence sources by name.
China recognized the Palestinian state in 1988, four years before establishing diplomatic ties with Israel.
The United States remains committed to a diplomatic solution, but the onus is on Iran.
Events on the ground tend to take over what's happening at the diplomatic level.
But there is enough time and enough space at this moment to pursue a diplomatic solution.
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon more time to find a diplomatic end to the four-year crisis.
But at the same time they must be diplomatic when offering a different point of view.
And the cost in terms of beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism and diplomatic poison would be dire.
Mr Abbas is due to complete his diplomatic tour with a trip to France.
But Gelb doubts the strike will lead to any profound rearrangement of diplomatic loyalties.
Islamabad denies the charge, saying it gives only moral and diplomatic support to the rebels.
Amid such uncertainty, the diplomatic instinct seems to be to wish the problem away.
Sure enough, right after the prisoner release, America duly announced it had restored full diplomatic ties.
Baker was being completely diplomatic and admitting that he would never want to be an umpire.
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In recent days diplomatic efforts to end the violence in Syria have been stepped up.
BBC: News - Philippines eyes Golan peacekeeper pull-out after abductions
The disclosure of diplomatic cables by the organization Wikileaks got a tremendous amount of attention.
Paradoxically, the diplomatic damage from the attack could yet be turned to useful purpose.
Not to deny President Obama's diplomatic charms, but they seem lost on the world's harder cases.
Indonesia filed a diplomatic protest with Saudi Arabia and summoned its ambassador in Jakarta for clarification.
The foreign minister, Dimitrij Rupel, is oddly abrasive for someone with two decades' diplomatic experience.
Day to Day's Madeline Brand got a preview from NPR diplomatic correspondent Mike Shuster.
It should offer to initiate diplomatic relations, with the two countries exchanging small missions.
FORBES: The "New" North Korea: Prisons With Designer Hand-Cuffs