Other military officers sympathetic to the Rabin government's general diplomatic policy toward Syria have made similar arguments.
There will be many opportunities to explore this and other diplomatic options in policy towards North Korea.
Significantly the ever-diplomatic EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana has been warning the U.S. not to seek to divide Europe but to treat it as a whole.
The secretary of state can unilaterally revoke a visa but usually does that for foreign policy and diplomatic, not national security, reasons, Kelley said.
This preference for "stability" over potentially positive but uncertain, and possibly risky, change is the default-setting for professional arms controllers, and the diplomatic corps and foreign policy establishment more generally.
After months in the diplomatic deep freeze, Polish foreign policy has thawed.
ECONOMIST: A lesson in how to make friends and influence people
He used the country name preferred by the government - US officials described the move as a "diplomatic courtesy" but not a policy shift.
Mr Chavez's assertive foreign policy has gained some diplomatic reward.
PRI's approach to foreign policy, Mexico's diplomatic service lacks the professionalism of, say, Brazil's.
If the U.S. government permits such flim-flams as parent-to-subsidiary laterals and barter arrangements as a substitute for cash to circumvent ILSA (and, any other sanction regime), it can forget about having sanctions serve in the future as an effective policy alternative to generally ineffectual diplomatic demarches and draconian military responses.
His policy is: You do the diplomatic work, we'll get on with soldiering.
Mr Hague characterised the government's foreign policy as "confident advance and diplomatic expansion".
And my expectation is in the coming months we will be looking for openings that can be created where we can start sitting across the table, face to face, diplomatic overtures that will allow us to move our policy in a new direction.
For their part, Democrats, gleeful that their president enjoys a double-digit poll lead over Mr Romney on foreign policy, were painting the Republican as a diplomatic lightweight long before trouble flared in Libya.
That is why an EU diplomatic service is being formed before there is a European foreign policy.
Generally considered hawkish on foreign policy, Hillary Clinton supports restoring America's diplomatic relationships.
Mr Boroujerdi, Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said that although foreign diplomats have diplomatic immunity, "they have to observe the country's regulations".
Nevertheless, the new Mercosur policy is the latest in a string of small diplomatic victories for Argentina, which is keen to regionalise what has always been a bilateral dispute.
ECONOMIST: Another diplomatic victory for President Fern��ndez
It was what it appeared to be: a centrist and establishment-minded president nominating a centrist and establishment-minded academic to an important diplomatic position where he would implement centrist and establishment-minded policy.
In 1993, the European Union established diplomatic relations with South Africa, putting the final touch to a new policy of cooperation after years of isolation.
The diplomatic element of national power is the execution of a nation's foreign policy through political means.
Mr Persson and his team can help keep the diplomatic traffic moving at a time when America is still thinking through its North Korean policy.
Mr. Pierini blames EU treaty law for giving the U.K., France and Germany the power to stifle a common foreign policy and says the separation of aid and humanitarian assistance from the EU's diplomatic decision-making has undermined some of the soft power it can otherwise project.
Now Mr Lukashenka is embroiled in a diplomatic row with the West that captures with almost allegorical perfection the essential elements of his style and policy.