PRI's approach to foreign policy, Mexico's diplomatic service lacks the professionalism of, say, Brazil's.
That is why an EU diplomatic service is being formed before there is a European foreign policy.
Working for both governments and the European Commission, he will have political clout, money and his own diplomatic service.
ECONOMIST: The small print of a notably complicated document
The EU is now considering its response to the latest releases, an official in the EU's diplomatic service told the BBC.
Lady Ethel married Sir Francis Stronge who joined the diplomatic service in London in 1879 and served in Peking the same year.
Two to four years of relevant professional experience, including at least one year in the United Nations system or in a diplomatic service.
It is both a small sovereign state with an impressive diplomatic service, and a transnational non-government organisation that makes every other NGO seem puny.
It now has a permanent president of the European Council (representing national governments) and it is creating its own diplomatic service, which will need high-security premises.
ECONOMIST: Much stroppiness lies ahead in the EU budget negotiations
The justification for the extra space is to accommodate the staff of President Van Rompuy and the staff of the new diplomatic service under Catherine Ashton.
Many in the audience might have thought Zhu had honed his language skills and extensive knowledge of finance through years of work abroad, possibly in the diplomatic service.
The profession most dominated by Oxford and Cambridge graduates was the diplomatic service at 62%, followed by the law at 58% and the top echelons of the civil service at 55%.
In a report on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's performance last year, the committee said promotions to different grades in the Diplomatic Service were judged on the basis of general competencies, including leadership and management abilities.
They face the drastic prospect of having to discard plans set out in the constitution for a new, more formal European layer of government, including an embryonic EU diplomatic service and more EU-level powers over key areas like immigration.
And that's a shame when we're talking about brave men and women in our diplomatic service who served Democrats and Republicans, who represent the United States and the American people and America's interest abroad often in very dangerous parts of the world.
Within a decade, Shirley had married a Circassian Christian, Teresia, and set off with her to Europe on a series of diplomatic missions in the service of the shah.
In court Friday, Higazy said he lived in Washington during his father's past service in the Egyptian diplomatic corps.
He worked as an international trade lawyer in Washington before joining the Foreign Service, the career diplomatic corps, in 1991, according to the State Department biography.
CNN: Slain ambassador died 'trying to help build a better Libya'
The California-born Stevens joined the Peace Corps and attended law school before joining the Foreign Service, the career diplomatic corps, in 1991, according to his State Department biography.
Since 2007, Congress has increased spending by 27 percent, or roughly a half-billion dollars, on security at foreign diplomatic posts, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.
The United States is committed to eradicating trafficking in persons, and we will draw on tools ranging from law enforcement and victim service provision, to public awareness building and diplomatic pressure.
It created the External Action Service, which is the EU's diplomatic corps, established at its head the post of high representative for foreign affairs and abolished the merry-go-round of foreign-policymaking by EU presidencies that formed new sets of priorities every six months.
Foreign Service Inspector, roving official in the inspection corps, responsible for auditing diplomatic outposts.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Felix Bloch Affair: Assessing The Damage To US Security
When he returns to Turkey, he will do so on a diplomatic passport issued by a member of the National Intelligence Organisation, the Turkish secret service.
Also lending a diplomatic hand: nonprofit organization, Independent Diplomat, which has corralled former ambassadors and foreign service types to work with the nascient government as it seeks to work with other governments.