It also is creating a psychological profile of each player for better targeting of direct-mail blitzes.
Lowe's is now planning to supplement its TV and newspaper marketing pitches with more efficient direct-mail campaigns.
Mr. Danforth, who ran the direct-mail business on Cape Cod, said he lost money in the downturn.
Joy Gendusa, CEO and founder of PostcardMania, a direct-mail business in Clearwater, Fla.
Instead of relying on inefficient direct-mail campaigns like most magazines, Clermont, 37, waged his marketing campaigns on the Internet.
In the fourth quarter, direct-mail solicitations doubled from a year earlier, according to Synovate, a unit of Aegis Group PLC.
Last summer, Matt and Julie McCord opened Welcomemat Services, a marketing and technology strategies company that provides direct-mail to new residents.
FORBES: Stay-At-Home Parents Choose to Start Businesses Instead of Returning to Work
Rutherford has written letters of protest to the fund and to Bruce Eberle, a direct-mail fund raiser working for the fund.
Pfizer is also setting up a direct-mail service, via its website.
The common denominator between the two charities is their direct-mail fundraiser, Quadriga.
The lawsuit says that HHV improperly classified much of its direct-mail fundraising costs as charitable-purpose expenditures, which makes the charity look more noble.
FORBES: California Sues 'Nonprofit Entrepreneur' Roger Chapin And Charity Forbes Exposed
Other innovations include giving guests the ability to quickly and easily shop the products in our holiday TV and direct-mail ads with a text-to-buy feature.
FORBES: Target CMO Jeff Jones Reveals Insights Behind Big Holiday Marketing Push
For direct-mail solicitations, the cost is 20 cents per dollar back.
Among the first to go were Metromail, a direct-mail-database company, and Donnelley Enterprise Solutions, which ran copy departments and mail rooms for law firms and the like.
The response rate for banks is less than 0.5% for every 100, 000 offers mailed, or about half the direct-mail industry average, according to the Direct Marketing Association.
Heymann's Pacific Mail Order System began as a direct-mail advertising company, which later evolved into a mail-order firm for members of the U.S. Armed Forces serving in Vietnam.
But as a direct-mail-dependent operation that raises its money mostly from small donors, we could only increase our efficiency percentage by limiting our mailings to the most productive mailing lists.
Always on the lookout for opportunities, Gheorghe chatted up one of his limo passengers, Andrew Saxe, who turned out to be the head of a small company managing direct-mail marketing lists.
This was often a result of expensive direct-mail solicitations.
Wells Fargo, a Californian bank, plans to start direct-mail loans to small businesses in Canada before the end of the year, hoping to slice off another lucrative piece of Canadian banks' business.
Spaarbeleg's direct-mail campaigns have also become more effective.
Long before competitors caught on, Wren started putting Omnicom into less glamorous operations--direct-mail marketing, public relations, even, most recently, a company that provides crisis management and executive-protection services--to provide revenue during the inevitable dips in the ad business.
Aside from GIK issues, word on the charitable street is that another topic of interest is paid professional fundraisers running direct-mail and telephone solicitation operations who keep most of what they raise as their fee, perhaps with the donors none the wiser.
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For the first time in two years, issuers increased their direct-mail offers in the fourth quarter of last year, while the percentage of offers that charged a fee for a reward program jumped to 29% from 11% in early 2008, according to Mintel Comperemedia.
"Branded media, context-based marketing, direct mail, preference-based marketing (agreeing to get ads via e-mail) it's what people are missing, " says Killen.
Once they're tweeted -- be it by a journalist or a rival politician -- they become TV ad, direct mail, and attack e-mail fodder.
Fighting words from the new CEO of Victoria's Secret Direct the mail-order side of Victoria's Secret.
Traditional fund-raising, using direct mail and events, is far more effective than newer methods, such as e-mail and social networking.
The direct mail industry is figuring this out, which is why many of the hands-on, innovative direct mail houses have started to offer web design services to complement their bread and butter.