Schedule permitting, Scorsese says he'd like to direct additional episodes.
It added it now had to direct an additional 12, 000 police officer hours per year to key areas to control night-time crime.
However, as Chatter contributes less than 4% to our value estimate for stock, the direct upside from additional Chatter subscribers is limited.
As a result of this flexibility and additional capabilities direct attached storage (DAS) used to build big enterprise storage systems that serve applications from big science to cloud computing will be able to offer faster performance and data protection and allowing faster data processing and content generation.
Although buying stocks of commodity related companies can provide additional risk over direct commodity investment, there is some evidence that investors are being compensated for those risks.
"Virgin Atlantic will offer millions of passengers in Scotland and Manchester connections around the world through our and our partners' long-haul network, with the additional benefit of providing direct services to and from London Heathrow, " he said.
We also appreciate the extension of the direct hire authority, which gives agencies additional flexibility in hiring at all levels and allows the government to be more competitive in its hiring practices.
Infra-red communication suffers the same problems, but has the additional limitation of requiring a direct line of sight between objects as anyone who has tried to operate a television remote control with someone else standing between him and the television will know.
He estimated that the additional surcharge, and other direct tax initiatives, such as a withholding tax of 20% on profits distributed by unlisted companies to shareholders through a buyback of shares, would help the government raise a total of 133 billion rupees.
Second, the community organizer increases his or her power by direct or indirect control of who benefits from those additional resources and by becoming the spokesperson for the community.
None of the deletions to the list of locations that was previously declared to the IAEA pursuant to Article 2.a.(i), Article 2.a.(iv), Article 2.a.(v), Article 2.a.(vi)(a), Article 2.a.(vii), Article 2.a.(viii), and Article 2.b.(i) of the U.S.-IAEA Additional Protocol were due to such locations having direct national security significance.
But for those unwilling to heed Sprint's many early warnings and make the switch to its CDMA-based Direct Connect plan before this coming January, there'll be an additional monthly penalty fee.
ENGADGET: Sprint plans $10 monthly charge for iDEN push-to-talk subs in the new year
Then there are those untold additional millions of patriotic citizens who may not have any more direct connection to the military than a deep sense of gratitude for what servicemen and women do for us all.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Review, But Renew, America's Defenses
The container also facilitates direct access to file systems and document sharing such as SharePoint, without the additional encumbrance of entering a unique URL into a browser or multiple sign-ons.
Overnight, at the requests of the Governors, the President approved major disaster declarations for the states of New Jersey and New York, making additional federal support for state and local efforts available, as well as direct federal assistance to affected individuals in declared counties.
WHITEHOUSE: Readout of the President��s Briefing on Hurricane Sandy
Additional mobile features allow customers to access their prescription histories, order photo prints direct from their phones, find the nearest Walgreens, browse products and check in-store availability, and shop from their phones.
FORBES: Can You Hear Me Now? Web-Enabled Brand Experiences That Cut Through The Clutter
Per the structure of the payment plan set up in the mortgage settlement, each state government is to receive a direct portion of the money for the purpose of funding future law enforcement efforts, providing additional relief to borrowers, paying civil penalties, funding of foreclosure relief programs and to compensate the state for its losses from the crisis.
In addition to this direct contact, the FCO funds the charity organisations Victim Support and Missing Abroad who have provided additional support to the family.
Sir Albert warned at the time the authority could be facing an additional amount of tens of millions of pounds for next year, depending on reductions in direct government grants.
For some investors, the direct method of investment in commodities may be the better investment decision because the indirect method can expose investors to additional risks.