• The system they look at is called a "direct election recording", or DRE, system.

    BBC: Why e-voting is a non-starter

  • She won this post by direct election: it is not in the president's gift.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines

  • That, at least, might be overcome by the direct election of a local personality to run local services.

    ECONOMIST: Local government

  • The new law embraces a system that combines direct election and proportional representation.


  • Gloria Macapagal Arroyo won the job of vice-president by direct election in 1998.

    ECONOMIST: Gloria of the Philippines

  • After four years he was returned for a second term by direct election.

    ECONOMIST: Russia: An old-fashioned, modern look | The

  • Respectable bicameral democracies around the world confine direct election to one chamber only.

    ECONOMIST: And here are your chosen (by us) representatives

  • America has done little more than tinker with its constitution since 1791 (such as introducing the direct election of senators in 1913).

    ECONOMIST: Who has been lying about whose age?

  • He also wants to create the position of vice-president (to be appointed by the president), and provide for the direct election of judges.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela

  • Initiative, an organization dedicated to abolishing the Electoral College and instituting the direct election of the President of the United States by popular vote.

    FORBES: Tom Golisano

  • In recent years, the world has watched with hope and admiration as Indonesians embraced the peaceful transfer of power and the direct election of leaders.

    WHITEHOUSE: Indonesia��s Example to the World

  • On the face of it, Mr Netanyahu has a strong ally in the new constitutional arrangements which went into force with his direct election in 1996.

    ECONOMIST: Can Binyamin Netanyahu��s government in Israel survive?

  • But nonprofit groups such as Common Cause and the Center for Democracy and Technology last year pressed for a direct election of at-large board members and, after winning the backing of the U.S. government, convinced ICANN to follow their advice.

    CNN: Group overseeing Internet changes sets its election rules

  • Add up all the coded messages and it is pretty clear that Mr Blair is even more hostile than he was last January, when the government published a white paper on the Lords, towards direct election to the reformed upper house.

    ECONOMIST: And here are your chosen (by us) representatives

  • Thus it was a remarkable spectacle when, on Monday July 5th, Indonesians across the length and breadth of this huge archipelago of 17, 000 islands, strung between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, queued calmly to cast their votes in the country's first direct election for president (until now, presidents had been chosen by a national assembly).

    ECONOMIST: Crooning to victory? | The

  • Next month, on the other side of the Arabian peninsula, Yemen will be holding its first direct presidential election since its two halves united in 1990.

    ECONOMIST: Arabs tiptoe to democracy

  • The report recognises that composition of the Chamber is likely to be on a representative basis, but asks if members should be selected through either direct or indirect election or perhaps by ex-officio membership or direct appointment.

    BBC: News | UK Politics | Lords reform - any ideas?

  • Former prime minister Milos Zeman won the first direct Czech presidential election in January 2013, beating conservative Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg by a margin of 55% to 45%.

    BBC: Czech Republic profile

  • But if the results are unlikely to have a direct bearing on the 2002 presidential election, neither are they wholly irrelevant to national politics, especially since Mr Cardoso and his coalition have yet to choose their presidential candidate.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil

  • In July the Caribbean Community said meekly that a new election would be better than direct rule.

    ECONOMIST: The Turks and Caicos loses independence

  • But they do have a direct strategic interest in keeping the next election as tight as possible (leaving aside the baleful effect of the boundary changes on a number of their MPs) because it maximises their chance of a hung parliament in 2015 and leverage over the next government.

    BBC: Reading the signs

  • The IRS scrutiny began after the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case that greatly expanded the ability of corporations, unions and other organizations to participate in election spending, though not through direct contributions to candidates or parties.


  • The controversial actions began after the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case that greatly expanded the ability of corporations, unions and other organizations to participate in election spending, though not through direct contributions to candidates or parties.


  • Direct students to create a time line of the presidential election events in Serbia.

    CNN: Discussion-activity: Yugoslav president's hold on power

  • We now have updated tallies on direct contributions to the individual candidates, based on filings to the Federal Election Commission.

    FORBES: The Forbes 400 And Presidential Politics

  • Former PM Milos Zeman has won the Czech Republic's presidential election - the first time the position has been decided by direct popular vote.

    BBC: Czech election: Milos Zeman wins presidential poll

  • But even then Mr Ramos skirted the direct question of whether he would or would not stand for re-election should moves to change the constitution succeed.

    ECONOMIST: Strictly ballroom

  • Because here is the thing -- and this is something that I want to direct our young people, because it's not just about this election, it's about life.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • For yet another post-election battle-of-the-brands diversion, may I direct your attention to Heineken, which has changed the shape of its green bottle in the United States hoping the slimmer, sexier look will help this one-time leading beer import regain its leading position after years of market share losses.

    FORBES: Whether It's Bing Or Heineken, At The End of the Day, It's What's Inside That Counts

  • "We've never had that direct accountability of our policing to a person that you can hire and fire at election time, " he said.

    BBC: Harriet Yeo

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