• And we have states in this country where farmers, the hardest working people in this country, can't make their mortgage payments because of things that happened half a world away they didn't have any direct influence on at all.

    CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington

  • This doesn't necessarily indicate a seismic shift in the industry, but it certainly suggests that we won't be looking at a world so thoroughly dominated by the direct descendant of KHTML. At least at first, the new entrant won't actually deviate much from WebKit.


  • You weren't told where to look and who to look at -- the lights didn't always direct you -- and so the freedom, as a spectator, was huge.


  • And back then, Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Virginia, one of the half-dozen Republicans who hadn't signed the pledge, took direct aim at Norquist from the House floor.

    CNN: Norquist's no-tax pledge has survived challenges before

  • So we should not, while that process is underway, essentially blow it up by permitting the sequester to take effect, the result of which would be hundreds of thousands of people potentially losing jobs and a direct hit to the American economy at a time that we shouldn't be letting Washington do such a thing.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Supposedly, DMM wants to take advantage of "existing manufacturer relationships" in China to offer tablets through the Buyers Club of another company, Direct Media Marketing -- which doesn't appear to exist on the internet, at least as it's described.

    ENGADGET: Ginsu knives, psychic hotlines and a $90 tablet: the story behind the Matrix One (update: more details)

  • At least the Obamateers didn't suggest that Mr. Romney was the direct biological cause of her cancer.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: The Postmodern President

  • Jay Foreman, CEO of Bridge Direct, said 15% to 30% of the workers at the factory he uses don't show up after the holiday.

    WSJ: Companies Seek to Avoid China New Year Hangover

  • For example, if we don't have what the customer wants, we'll actually recommend at least three competitor websites and direct the customer to a competitor if they find the shoe.

    FORBES: Leadership

  • But Schneier warns that education isn't any more likely to solve the problem, because users have no direct incentive: A subtle zombie sends spam at other users without victimizing its host.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Shiites, who represent the majority of the population in Iraq, want direct elections, but coalition officials say that can't be pulled off in the few months before the political handover at the end of June.

    CNN: Bremer: U.N. has 'vital role' to play in Iraq

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