Regardless of what kind of monitoring is implemented, it will need to include the private sector to stop the epidemic of cyber theft of sensitive government data, says Alan Paller, the director of the SANS Institute, an organization that offers crisis consultation to hacked companies.
Over the past two years, cybercriminals extorted hundreds of millions of dollars from critical infrastructure companies, according to Alan Paller, director of the SANS Institute, an organization that hosts a crisis center for hacked companies. (See: America's Hackable Backbone).
"These threads address major issues that have plagued assemblers, " says Charles Wilson, the director of engineering at the Industrial Fasteners Institute, an industry-funded standards organization.
"This is a very important proof of concept" said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an arm of the National Institutes of Health.
Krishna Murthy, director of the Industrial Relations Institute of India believes Japanese companies have an anachronistic attitude.
But Megan Kintzer, director of development at the Rodale Institute, an organic farm and research center in Pennsylvania, says that organic farming is a more sustainable system.
CNN: Study: Organic yields 25% lower than conventional farming
Stephen Horan, director of private wealth at the CFA Institute, an organization of financial analysts, urges investors to think of "aspirations" as another form of leverage.
"I've avoided it in the past, " said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, who boarded the train Thursday because it was an election year in New Jersey.
The treadmill training is "an enormous advance" avows William Zev Rymer, director of research for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
The stadium, now known as McAfee (nyse: MFE - news - people ) Coliseum, "is not the epitome of what an NFL stadium should be, " says David Carter, executive director of the Sports Business Institute at the University of Southern California.
Roberto Newell, director general of the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness, estimates this could add an additional percentage point of annual economic growth.
Richard Vedder, PhD, is an Adjunct Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and Director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, where Matthew Denhart serves as Administrative Director.
Editor's note: Robert Redford is an award-winning actor, director, producer and founder of the Sundance Institute and Film Festival.
"Nokia is an extraordinary company, " says Pekka YlA-Antilla, director of the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy.
Dr Roger White, senior lecturer in archaeology and Academic Director of the Ironbridge Institute, said he could go along with the idea that this was an Iron Age route which was then re-used by the Romans.
James Huff, an associate director at the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, a division of the N.
She's also a visiting fellow at Harvard's WEB DuBois Institute, and Dr. Clay Carson is an editor of the papers of Martin Luther King Jr, and the Director of the King Institute at Stanford University.
"After a while it gets old and not so fulfilling to take the brain out when (an athlete) is dead, " said Bailes, a neurosurgeon and director of the Brain Injury Research Institute, which focuses on the study of traumatic brain injuries and their prevention.
The data puzzles Jennifer Lawless, an associate professor of political science at American University and the director of the University's Women and Politics Institute.