The director of the hospital persuaded Fadl to turn himself in, saying that he would pull some strings to protect him.
"The five babies are doing quite well right now, " Dr. Gary Burgess, medical director of the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit, said Monday.
He became a fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, based in London, and in 1990 became director of the hospital's maternity unit.
"Although we believe there are still a few tuberculosis bacteria in his lungs, ongoing antibiotic therapy should kill those, " said Dr Gwen Huitt, director of the hospital's adult infectious disease care unit.
"This mayhem unleashed on innocent health workers of the hospital, including the acting chief medical director of the hospital, led to the vandalisation of the hospital properties, as well as health workers and patients of the hospital sustaining various degrees of injuries, " the NMA said in a statement.
The medical director of the UK hospital where Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is being treated has said doctors are "impressed with her strength and resilience".
Last month it emerged that Stuart Coalwood, acting director of commissioning at the hospital, had been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Probe into hospital waiting lists
The research should also help speed the development of other gene-targeted drugs for cancer, says Haber, senior author on the New England Journal of Medicine paper and director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center.
Karen Tomlinson, director of operations at the hospital, said she was shocked to learn evidence of a rodent had been found in an operating theatre.
BBC: Rat in theatre leads to 40 ops cancelled at King's Mill
"We're hopeful that this will be -- quite possibly -- the last major surgery that Max will need, " said Michael Silka, co-director of The Heart Institute at the hospital.
"They started coming in a few at a time, " said Julio Cesar Fonseca Rivero, the director of the Celia Sanchez Manduley Hospital, the largest in the region.
"This is the first time anyone has shown that a single parkin mutation can lower the age of onset, " said Dr James Gusella, study leader and director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Human Genetic Research.
The director of Barquisimeto hospital, Ruy Medina, put the death toll at 54, Venezuela's Clarin newspaper reported.
If that was not forthcoming the clinical or medical director of the candidate's hospital would be consulted, and all the evidence would be reviewed at a specially convened panel.
"There is no doubt that the surgery performed in Pakistan was life-saving, " Dr. Dave Rosser, medical director of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK, said Wednesday at a news conference.
"Today, in 2010, the aspiration of any patient, our aspiration in the hospital, is to ensure that any chronic patient, when possible, is with his community, at home, " Dr Shlomo Noy, director of rehabilitation at the hospital, told Israel Radio.
David Grant, the director of the RSPCA's Harmsworth Hospital, told the BBC some of the animals were in a shocking condition.
Dr. Kirk Garratt, an associate director of the division of cardiac intervention and director of the coronary care unit at Lenox Hill Hospital, in New York City, agreed.
Mr Wells, who is chairman of the Stormont Health Committee, said the trust's director of hospital services, Seamus McGoran, had received a letter from "a significant number of GPs in the area" who were "extremely unhappy with this proposal".
Krishna Sethia, medical director of the NNUH said the hospital was "delighted" at the additional funding.
Between ages 3 and 5 "the airway is still small but the tonsils and adenoids are at their largest, " says Jodi Mindell associate director of the Sleep Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
According to Dr. Deborah Campbell, director of the division of Neonatology at Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx, the new system will give health staff an opportunity to reinforce the medical benefits of breast feeding.
Kalloo, the director of gastroenterology and hepatology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Dr. James Perrin, the director of the division of general pediatrics at the Mass General Hospital for Children in Boston, says it takes more than one doctor's visit to get an ADHD diagnosis right. (Perrin helped write guidelines for diagnosing ADHD in general practice or family practice settings, which were published in 2000, but did not participate in Garland's study).
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
On the other end of the spectrum, if it's a relatively small problem (a minor burn, for example, or a cut that requires a few stitches) it may not be worth a long trip to a pediatric hospital, says Dr. Joseph Luria, medical director of the Emergency Department at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
He is also the Director of the Yale-New Haven Hospital Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE).
Eric Whitman, director of the melanoma center of Mountainside Hospital in Montclair, N.
At MD Anderson Cancer Center, patients can have Froot Loops cereal and Louisiana Hot Sauce if that is what will get them to eat, says Carol Frankmann, director of clinical nutrition for the Houston hospital.
At Camp Lejeune, an 170-square-mile base and home to about 50, 000 uniformed troops, counselors at the Naval Hospital were gearing up to offer help as the ripples from Monday's tragedy began reaching family and friends, barracks mates and survivors, said Dr. Sawsan Ghurani, director of mental health programs at the hospital.
And Andrew Large, the director general of the Cleaning and Support Services Association, which represents hospital cleaning firms, questioned the NHS approach to cleaning.