The first thing the coalition plans to do is make "dirty" energy more expensive.
He told Nancy, the Preener and Riedy, the Weasel to do all the dirty work.
The terminal was tiny and dirty, with no place for the many delayed passengers to sit.
The fabliaux are filled with puns, clever rhyme schemes, dirty words and double entendres.
However opponents of the plans say new reactors will be expensive, dirty and dangerous.
The lows are low: 20-bucks-a-night affairs with an air conditioner, dirty towels and roaches as roommates.
He's doing the real dirty work for the government right now, and it's his government.
It capitalizes wealth that was otherwise hidden under the dirty shacks of slum dwellers.
But change won't happen if we sit back and let other people do the dirty work.
So, I suppose I will have to do the dirty work of Intellectual Imperialism.
We've got -- the other side has decided that "compromise" is a dirty word.
Katy Dawes claims a member of staff told her the insects were "our dirty little secret".
The dirty little secret of spending restraint is that it's come from defense--and only defense.
Renewable Energy is eliminating the need for Dirty Energy Worldwide at a record pace.
He brought out a dirty piece of paper from the knot on his sarong.
On iTunes, download the "Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing" podcast.
He said puerperal fever, which killed mothers in childbirth, was spread by dirty doctors.
It will let dirty plants avoid fines by buying emission allowances from clean ones.
ECONOMIST: Industry is unduly upset at tough new limits on emissions
Immigrant rights activists say workers like Gonzalez do the dirty, back-breaking jobs US citizens won't.
NPR: Kennedy, McCain Introduce Immigration, Guest Worker Bill
The concept of "clean coal" is a "dirty lie, " added environmental activist Robert F.
CNN: Washington protesters push 'clean energy,' protest coal use
Localities do the dirty work and get the developers what they need, at far less cost.
The detractors say the stores are dirty with a lack of staff and service.
FORBES: Does Discount Grocer Aldi Have the Upper Hand in Urban Growth?
In the meantime, some cities have more to do to clear the, ahem dirty, air.
Well the French financial firm, Natixis, has done a quick, dirty and gripping analysis.
Do you sink your advertising dollars into a positive campaign or get dirty with your ads?
At the moment Turkey's energy sector is dependent on dirty, expensive fossil fuels, which are imported.
Much of the work is dirty and dangerous, though, and the strain on families is severe.
Will Hueston play dirty and drum up 20-year-old, vague accounts of wrongdoing hiding in Lay's past?
We've got more than 1 million unemployed construction workers ready to get dirty right now.