As he passed, Kendall gave the person at the wheel a dirty look.
Many a dirty look was thrown our way as we made our way through the throngs, in some cases pausing to set up the camera and film some color.
So instead let's forget dirty reality and look at other Goliaths of the new economy and get a sanity check there.
And yet now we are the dirty farmers and we should look to those wonderful farmers in Europe!
How bad is the credit crunch? it's so bad that it's making even ardent environmentalists look longingly at dirty old coal.
It is an imperative that transportation companies look for alternatives to dirty fuels , and while re-engineering our businesses to reduce our carbon footprint, we're investing in clean technology and partnering with companies committed to doing business responsibly.
We will also look at trade effluent because it is the dirty water and normally needs to be licensed and manage very carefully.
The would-be dirty-bomber now in custody would not have had to look abroad for his materials.
To do a quick and dirty analysis of the expected return for junk bonds, all you need to do is look at the yield and subtract the default rate ( read why here).
"Any spill, however small, should serve as a warning sign and encourage us to look to a clean, renewable energy future, rather than continuing to invest in dirty oil, " said Juliet Swann, head of campaigns at the environmental group.
One quick look at dating advice sites and one finds stressed-out lovers looking for advice on dirty emails, tawdry Facebook exchanges and lewd SMSes.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: E-Snooping on Our Loved Ones is Bad. Or is it?
W. Powell Co. in New York, lists a "dirty dozen" of pieces of information -- such as job openings and customer references -- that companies look for at their competitors' Web sites.
They had come to fear that their dirty laundry would be revealed if the teetering Long-Term Credit Bank went broke, and that was beginning to look imminent.