Not because they are trying to get away with some master plan of going off to work and ruling the universe while their wives stay home and wash the dirty laundry.
When the Rabbi reminds his would-be student that the man with the clean face will objectively see a dirty face and therefore wash, he is reminding the young man of the importance of modern objective thinking.
An interruption to the electricity and water supplies in Basra, a city of more than 1m people caused, America says, by Iraq has threatened the health of its population, obliging some of them to wash in and drink dirty river water.
He had a bottle to urinate in and was allotted one five- to ten-minute trip each day to a rotting bathroom to empty his bowels and wash with water at a dirty sink.
She's resorted to jumping in their very dirty car -- which they can't wash because of the restrictions -- to take her restless kids for a dip in other towns' water parks.