How many disaffected Evangelicals will change their vote, how many will just stay home?
Significantly, Finra's critics are a diverse lot--and not just the predictable investor advocates and disaffected brokers.
This unlikely pair of 60-somethings drew those disaffected from the mainstream but repelled by extremism.
Removing the glamour of gangland crime for the region's disaffected youth will take even longer.
In the past couple of years, disaffected shareholders have won more seats on corporate boards.
The McCain camp has been aggressively courting those disaffected with Obama, especially after he announced Delaware Sen.
At the same time, trying to woo these independents and disaffected Democrats that Peter Brown talked about earlier.
Polls have showed that evangelicals, following national trends, are disaffected with Republican leadership and increasingly up for grabs.
In America at least, the ranks of the truly disaffected have been shrinking in recent years, not growing.
As Mr Douste-Blazy admits, France is sensitive to the potential knock-on effects in its own disaffected Muslim-inhabited banlieues.
There are rumors that Sadr is in negotiations with other disaffected political leaders who may form a new alliance.
More mergers is likely to mean more opportunities for disaffected shareholders like Ong.
More than half of them were between 15 and 25 years old, and most relatively well-to-do but disaffected students.
Many say they have disaffected friends who have fallen away from the faith.
WSJ: Naomi Schaefer Riley: Defining the 'All-American Muslim'
The second idea is to give disaffected pupils something to do outside school.
When disaffected army officers attempted a coup, Juan Carlos put his throne and prestige on the line to quash it.
The DP is also likely to attract disaffected urban voters, although in rural areas allegiance to the LDP remains strong.
Friends of the Earth, another green group, takes a similar line (although disaffected ex-members have come together in Friends of Hartlepool).
If Mfume wins, white Democrats will vote to Steele, and likewise if Cardin wins, disaffected African Americans will vote for Steele.
Even after Netflix began to slowly regain disaffected subscribers last year, the company continued to lose its luster on Wall Street.
P. has paid its price at the ballot box, he said, and lost in part because disaffected conservative voters stayed home.
The participants of both the riots and Anonymous were young, perhaps disaffected, perhaps sharing a sense of vague hopelessness about the future.
FORBES: Anonymous, London's Rioters And The Power Of Internet-Organized Insurgencies
It will keep a steady stream of disaffected Etsy sellers moving over to the site while they work on building site traffic.
This short film is a tone poem, a disarticulation of space, a testament to disaffected masculinity and an exemplary piece of cinematography.
It was a speech which attempted to appeal to disaffected Labour voters but which focused particularly on the Tories under Michael Howard.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Kennedy fights to focus on issues
The whole thing has just left many people feeling befuddled and disaffected.
The row in Athens grew as Mr Ocalan's lawyers and disaffected Greek intelligence officers started blabbing about Greece's part in the snatch.
They will only find sympathy for their cause if disaffected groups feel that economic injustice has pushed them right to the edge.
Originally, the idea for one came from Francis Maude and Archie Norman, two disaffected supporters of Michael Portillo, the defeated leadership candidate.