"We are worried because disaffection and rage are spreading fast across Italy, " Mr Bersani said.
It is unclear whether any of this, even if feasible, will stem the Euro-disaffection in France.
And despite the investing public's disaffection for their kind of stocks, their portfolios remain solid.
He, too, had been sent to the countryside, and they shared a sense of disaffection.
"This is the Holy Grail of breaking barriers of underachievement and disaffection, " he said.
The disaffection with the men's titles could also be due to the fashion cycle.
Disaffection with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and UMNO are the main reasons behind last November's voter backlash.
Veterans complain of wasted effort on overlapping projects and disaffection with endless work on glorified ad schemes.
By almost every measure, the disaffection among the young in Egypt was even greater than in neighboring countries.
The Los Angeles riots reflect a deep distrust and disaffection with the existing power pattern in our society.
If Mr Sarkozy is to rebuild his credibility, he needs to deal with two main causes of voters' disaffection.
Its leader, Jean-Marie le Pen, has long played on disaffection with the elite as much as on xenophobic nationalism.
Since the membership is so diverse, some disaffection is inevitable, says Mr Josten.
Yet amid the drudgery and disaffection, Cupid has a role, says Remzi Oto, a sociologist at Dicle University in Diyarbakir.
ECONOMIST: Why a strong tradition persists in defiance of the law
But Seepersad Naipaul appears to be the only human to have ever pierced his son's grim disaffection with the world.
But author Miyamoto sees the current phenomenon as part of increasing disaffection with the constraints placed on adolescents in Japan's conservative society.
Italians poured their disaffection into a bucket of votes for Mr. Grillo.
Mr Barak is now fighting to prevent the disaffection spreading to another of his motley coalition partners, the Russian immigrant party, Yisrael B'Aliyah.
The nightmare for Labour is that the Blaenau Gwent result gave disaffection amongst its traditional supporters a focus - and that it might grow.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Wales: Blaenau Gwent - 100 days on
Sunday's result underscores the deep disaffection with Mr. Sarkozy among voters.
And it will be a big jump for Labour's traditional voters to go from disaffection with their own party to active support for the Liberal Democrats.
The scandals are playing into the growing disaffection among Italian voters with establishment parties that every year gorge on billions of euros in public financing, analysts say.
There is much distance and disaffection on parade, and we are meant to take it as coolly and uncomplainingly as the characters do, but that presumption rankles.
Because they are the ones whose disaffection fuels this insurgency.
The mood is one of deep disaffection towards mainstream parties.
It is hard to know whether this ambition was in earnest at the time or simply the fallback position of a hyper-urbane young person with a mild case of disaffection.
The news paints a picture of disaffection amongst the Welsh electorate and could come as a blow to the parties with just eight months until the second ever Welsh Assembly election.
It will pay for more schemes to encourage greater parental and community awareness of truancy and will allow more schools to employ "learning mentors" to improve attendance and tackle bullying and disaffection.
The US wisely capitalized on tribal leaders' disaffection with al-Qaida barbarism and worked with them to launch an offensive against al-Qaida forces and to bring the Sunni tribes into the political processes in Iraq.
First, as against the idea that disaffection with the benefits system amounts to a petit bourgeois roar from the suburbs, a lot of the noise gets louder as you head into the most disadvantaged parts of society.