As of the middle of August, Christie had 47% approval rating, with 46% disapproving.
Obama hardly fared better, with 69% disapproving of his work on the debt limit.
But, judging from the disapproving tone of Mr Donaldson's letter, the SEC may force even further reform.
And there are increasingly disapproving noises being made in the markets about the state of France's public finances.
When her disapproving boyfriend told her she had to choose between derby and their relationship, she didn't hesitate.
It has obviously angered Democratic voters, with 60% disapproving of the deal and 48% agreeing he gives in too easily to Republicans.
Masks are de rigueur if you have a cold, and a sneezing or coughing fit on public transport meets with disapproving glances.
Pew found that 57 percent of those who approved the President at month's end after disapproving in mid-January were either Republicans or independents.
She says it's best to avoid disapproving of your granddaughter's clothing, since accepting her wardrobe is also a way to accept who she is.
The Senate needed 60 votes to shut off a Republican filibuster, so officially the resolution disapproving the buildup never made it to the floor.
The survey found the country was split over how Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has handled his job, with 46 percent approving and 45 percent disapproving.
Approving or disapproving the proposals has been pushed off multiple times this year, with December 8 the next D-Day for Nasdaq and January 12 for NYSE Arca.
"I use a Windows machine at work" is a familiar refrain that is often followed by a shaking of heads or some other disapproving or incredulous gesture.
Approving or disapproving this item is an exercise in futility.
Rather that thought process is probably more common in 11 to 15 year olds, who in this case ironically need these disapproving moms to buy this game for them.
The toughest practical challenge may be to give the 1, 000 lucky winners of the free flights a great time while ensuring that no pictures of them enjoying themselves make it back home to the disapproving American public.
But most South Africans, while disapproving of multiple concurrent wives, enjoy their president's unabashed embrace of his Zulu origins, beliefs and traditions, of which polygamy is an accepted part, though people practise it less and less, not least because it is so expensive.
It takes an awful lot to get thrown out of the U.S. Just ask this guy, a permanent legal alien who, despite laying claim to a rap sheet that would make Lindsay Lohan wag a disapproving finger, still calls the U.S. home.
Yet the film hones in on the drama of everyday life in Africa, with Ms Basinger playing a peculiarly Americanised version of the Italian Ms Gallmann as she suffers through the inconveniences of elephants gobbling up the vegetable garden and visits from her disapproving mother.
There are 13 NFL games on Christmas Eve, and five juicy season-opening NBA contests on Christmas Day, and at some point, you're going to be following a game on your TV, or your phone, or your high-tech germ tablet, and a disapproving person is going to scold you and tell you to shut that thing off and show some respect.