General John de Chastelain, has been discussing the possibility of disarmament with republican and loyalist paramilitaries.
The cooling tower at the facility was later destroyed, but then the disarmament deal stalled.
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Eugene Rostow, director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and undersecretary of state (political affairs).
And Russia also released a statement saying the test threatened the international structure of nuclear disarmament.
It includes recommendations on security, verification, transparency, conventional weapons and the legal framework for nuclear disarmament.
Indeed the US is hinting that further disarmament could depend on stronger measures against proliferation.
And then the other question had to do with the new nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia.
Some opponents of ratification suggest that a ban would be tantamount to nuclear disarmament.
The Bush administration wants what they call a complete irreversible and verifiable nuclear disarmament.
In the 1980s, the Tories again skilfully exploited Labour's links to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
His influence is also discernible in the review's adroit but cautious move towards nuclear disarmament.
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The next few months are likely to be crucial in terms of nuclear disarmament issues.
Of particular concern is Senator Hagel's enthusiasm for U.S. disarmament in the nuclear arena.
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Mr. Obama is engaged in similar unilateral disarmament with respect to the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Asia's future stability and prosperity will depend far more on this than on airy dreams of disarmament.
There must be disarmament, but no expectation that Germany will remain disarmed while other nations are armed.
Annan appealed to all countries to avoid a new arms race and start negotiating irreversible disarmament agreements.
If I took that advice, and did not insist on disarmament, yes, there would be no war.
The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs estimates that nearly 100, 000 deaths resulted from their use then.
Mr Blair denies charges that he is violating Britain's commitment to disarmament under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
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On Monday Obama arrived in Moscow for a round of disarmament talks with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.
The going for a fissile-material cut-off treaty at the log-jammed Conference on Disarmament could be harder still.
The vexed question of the disarmament of paramilitary groups, known as decommissioning, still has to be resolved.
For the first time in a decade, the Conference on Disarmament has agreed to a programme of work.
In January, Mr Mezrag won a pardon for his fighters in return for their total disbanding and disarmament.
Such differences over data and counting rules proved to be insurmountable obstacles to earlier efforts at conventional disarmament.
Last year, the European Union cut funds earmarked for disarmament, citing fears that the money would be misused.
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programs have been implemented in countries like Sierra Leone and Liberia.
At the same time, the United States is indulging in one of its periodic bouts of unilateral disarmament.
Blixs comments come one week before he must present his findings on Iraqi disarmament to the UN Security Council.