The platform represents the collective engagement of local government structures and efforts of the citizens of the city to develop preventive disaster mitigation measures from a long-term perspective.
Disaster mitigation, through early tsunami warning systems, but also by quantifying the trends of typical marine hazards, including typhoons and storm surges, sea level rise, or harmful algal blooms, are critical objectives of ocean monitoring with immediate and sustainable impacts.
The Centre, run by NIEM, aims to improve educational management capacities for climate change response and disaster risk mitigation.
Promotes knowledge networks for disaster preparedness and mitigation and enhances national and regional coping capacities.
To address these challenges, strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation on a large scale in general, and for the education sector in particular, are extremely important for Viet Nam.
Programmes target a wide range of national, regional and global challenges such as climate change, ocean health and fisheries, disaster warning and mitigation, capacity building, and data availability and exchange.
These included: improvement of learning outcomes, engaging youth in planning education for social transformation and sustainable development, gender balance in leadership positions, overcoming corruption, achieving good governance in education, conflict mitigation and disaster risk reduction through education.
In September 2011, MOET adopted its Action Plan to implement the National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation 2011-2020, acknowledging and aiming to tackle both the impacts of climate change and disasters on the education sector and the important role education can play in mitigating these risks.
Using a holistic approach, pedagogical approaches and techniques in their own school environment, teachers can develop the capacities to facilitate climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction learning.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan, appearing with LaHood, said the task force he leads that is overseeing the federal disaster response examined 10 years of FEMA flood mitigation efforts to reach the new standard.
Among those, a thoughtful initiative from, a network of insurance groups, taxpayer advocates and NGOs (including Ceres), which recommends that federal authorities require statewide resiliency mitigation plans before states can receive federal disaster assistance.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Place In A Post-Hurricane Sandy World
Japan gets approximately one-third of its electricity from nuclear power plants, and the disaster zone was home to three separate major nuclear facilities, two of which are experiencing failures so deep that mitigation efforts are likely to take them offline permanently.