Since then, China has made major improvements in law enforcement, crisis management, crowd control, disaster prevention and disaster relief.
From a safety perspective, the mixture of regulatory authority and industry support made it difficult to insist on compliance to disaster prevention standards.
However, there are concerns about the conditions in which the documents are kept which are cramped and do not meet modern standards for long-term preservation and disaster prevention.
In Tokyo, a city of 12 million, the Disaster Prevention Center operates a command room 24 hours a day and holds drills for everything from smallpox to missile attacks.
To address these challenges, strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation on a large scale in general, and for the education sector in particular, are extremely important for Viet Nam.
Biodiversity, which includes species, ecosystems, and ecological processes, is essential for the long-term maintenance of ecosystem services like photosynthesis, nutrient recycling, soil fertility, provision of fresh water, disaster prevention, and many others.
FORBES: Conservation International: Stemming the Tide of Environmental Crises, Part Five
An angry editorial gives way to a weekly column on mine safety, which, in turn, inspires Foster to found a highly successful correspondence school that teaches disaster prevention in virtually every industrial field.
Use of the K computer is expected to have a groundbreaking impact in fields ranging from global climate research, meteorology, disaster prevention, and medicine, thereby contributing to the creation of a prosperous and secure society.
ENGADGET: Fujitsu K supercomputer now ranked fastest in the world, dethrones China's Tianhe-1A
Science, engineering and technology (SET) drives sustainable social and economic Development and is vital in addressing basic human needs including poverty reduction, emergency and disaster prevention, response and reconstruction, bridging the knowledge divide and promoting intercultural cooperation.
In September 2011, MOET adopted its Action Plan to implement the National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation 2011-2020, acknowledging and aiming to tackle both the impacts of climate change and disasters on the education sector and the important role education can play in mitigating these risks.
The concept should then lead to the development of maps to be technically specified and made available to the selected end-users who will have to test the products and deploy them in order to achieve higher societal benefits in the area of disaster risk prevention and reduction.
The Platform explored the intrinsic linkages between world heritage and intangible cultural heritage, which is embedded in the living tradition of the city and which drives Kyoto's community engagement and deliberate commitment towards disaster-risk prevention in the future.
Its overall objective is to provide actors responsible for disaster management, risk prevention, civil protection and also spatial planning with EO-based solutions contributing particularly to an improved preparedness and mitigation planning for areas highly vulnerable to natural disasters and already noticeable climate change trends.
Provide technical support and contribute to the substantive development of the field of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Education, with a strong focus on prevention, preparedness, coping skills and resilience, as an important contribution to education for sustainable development (ESD) and the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable development (DESD).
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (20/6/2011) (ED 005 - (P5))