So why not also prohibit alcohol, which we disastrously tried to do 80 years ago?
The script feels mechanical and obvious, and, except for Gyllenhaal, the movie is disastrously miscast.
Although this model was brilliantly designed for domination, when the environment changed it proved disastrously inflexible.
Mr. Noseworthy of Fur Harvesters says he doesn't expect the muskrat-belly market to collapse disastrously.
WSJ: Muskrat Love: Exuberant Demand Pays Off for Great Lakes Fur Trappers
President Estrada still cannot understand why his approval ratings went down so disastrously in the first place.
AOL, an internet service provider, famously and disastrously bought Time Warner, a producer of movies and magazines.
Microsoft has come a long way since it last disastrously tried to remake the PC user experience with Bob.
Even more disastrously, the story outside the story is just as hyped up and contrived, and Carrey scarcely more plausible.
We are ever more besieged by attempts to turn ancient TV shows into modern movies, many of them disastrously dull.
The firm insisted otherwise, until its top executives were proven disastrously wrong.
Unless the government can take charge again, properly providing for its people, Haiti will remain chronically and disastrously addicted to foreign aid.
The first time he invested enthusiastically on the internet, everything ended disastrously.
As a result, they have avoided the worst mistakes of the life companies, who invested heavily, and disastrously, in property and the stockmarket.
But it can be disastrously disruptive if allowed to get out of hand, or if it becomes a deliberate policy of a government.
Derbyshire's chase almost began disastrously when skipper Chris Rogers edged Chigumbura to second slip while on six, only for Sales to drop the chance.
Buenos Aires is the capital of a country that was experiencing its own miniature Latino boom until the economy here went disastrously wrong.
But to conclude from this history that California merely needs to wait for the economic tide to turn once again would be disastrously wrong.
The tragedy was that a succession of post-war leaders, whose intentions would be seen by many as honourable, made a series of disastrously ill-timed decisions.
Disenchantment with politics, or at least with the democratic brand of it that has turned out so disastrously for Haiti over the past decade, is growing.
ECONOMIST: Haitians turn their backs on President Preval��and politics | The
Mr Kan can expect to take credit for the DPJ's doing less disastrously than expected in elections for the upper house of the Diet (parliament) next month.
As I've said before, the more telling comparison is with the Irish Republic, which, like Iceland, had handled its public finances well but its financial system disastrously badly.
Such swings can destroy an ill-managed firm, as nearly happened at Ashanti in 1999 when Mr Jonah's plan to hedge against a low gold price went disastrously wrong.
Yet, for its proponents, it might have been disastrously mistimed.
It has retreated along with the market, but not disastrously.
Disastrously, Redford and screenwriter Richard Friedenberg open up the story.
It has proved disastrously ineffective and must be reviewed urgently.
We have devoted disastrously little attention to fostering those abilities.
The fact that the wheels have come off the government's fuel tax policies so disastrously this week emphasises the need for a fairer, less crude method of taxing motorists.
After a false start in the 1990s, during which even Enron was briefly and disastrously tempted in, mainly local firms, including Tata Sons and Reliance Group, have piled in once more.