Rating agencies may disavow that purpose, but it has long since become a source of their prosperity.
Akin also attempted to disavow his insult by claiming that he had used a poor choice of words.
Moreover, he is the only leading Turkish politician openly to disavow capital punishment.
Happily, although the chief of the general staff, General Yasar Buyukanit, harrumphed, he refused publicly to disavow Mr Erdogan's potential candidacy.
They are expected to disavow music, videos, cigarettes and qat, the leaf Somali men chew most afternoons to get mildly high.
He chose instead to disavow and discredit the paper himself, despite the fact that he is not an expert on the subject.
Now it took a couple of years for the United States then to disavow the treaty, but ultimately George W. Bush finally did and it's due to Frank.
But in the cases of Godbehere, in Hawaii, and Cox-Brown, in Oregon, the incriminating posts put them in the awkward position of having to disavow their own words, experts say.
We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.
True or not, the revelation has had the desired effect: It put the Azeri government of President Ilham Aliyev on the spot and forced it to disavow any such collaboration with Israel.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Political Compromise of Our Security
We could argue until the cows come home about when and where the right to privacy must be curtailed in order to uphold other individual rights, but we never should disavow or devalue our right to privacy.
Credit card companies offer another solution to the problem: They generally allow buyers to disavow charges for goods that were never delivered, and they are in a position to reduce losses from that implicit guarantee by refusing to remit funds to merchants with too many outstanding gripes from consumers.