Employees who refused to sign were either found other jobs in the company or discharged.
By Wednesday, 71 people had been discharged and one was in critical condition, hospital authorities said.
BBC: Hong Kong mourns victims of Lamma Island boat collision
Three of the other four officers injured suffered stab wounds, but have also been discharged.
They were taken to West Wales General Hospital in Carmarthen but both were discharged shortly afterwards.
The reactor arrived in the port on August 16 and was discharged two days later.
Many of the women during McNamara's period at the hospital muddled through when discharged.
She was discharged from hospital on Friday, but a bullet remains lodged in her shoulder blade.
Two of the guards who fell with Khan have been treated for their injuries and discharged.
When she was discharged from hospital, Neale took only "a cursory glance" at her wounds.
In a statement, DUP leader Peter Robinson said Mr Dodds hoped to be discharged on Thursday.
She was cleared of treatment in October 2010 and was discharged in January this year.
That, in turn, reduced by half the number of medicines tossed out because patients were discharged.
The students were treated in hospital in Coleraine for shock and hypothermia and were later discharged.
He spent five months there before being discharged home to shore on half pay.
She was discharged from the hospital a month later, but not because she was healed.
That's because the battery must be deeply discharged in order to give the vehicle maximum range.
One police officer was kept in hospital overnight after suffering concussion but was later discharged.
Strathclyde Police said the firearm was not discharged during the robbery, which happened at about 21:30.
Mr Farmer, who was taken to hospital for treatment and later discharged, is suing Lancashire Police.
"I was told I was going to be discharged under don't ask, don't tell, " he said.
After weighing the risk of being discharged for speaking out publicly, Manzella agreed to the interview.
The ambulance crew member was slightly injured and taken to hospital but was later discharged.
The hearing was temporarily halted while the juror, from Bow, was discharged and then arrested.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Music juror court case adjourned
John Moore-Robinson, 20, from Leicestershire, died in 2006 after being discharged with an undiagnosed ruptured spleen.
BBC: John Moore-Robinson Stafford Hospital death: No charges
This wastewater is either discharged directly into open water bodies or leaches into the subsoil.
Meanwhile, the mother and two children have since been assessed and discharged from the hospital.
BBC: Buxton river crash: Man dies after family cars overturn
The cause of his woes -- dioxin, a toxic chemical discharged by the waste facility.
On Sunday, officials said Malala would remain hospitalized until she is well enough to be discharged.
Patients are discharged from hospital and can be left isolated with no social care support.
Six police officers had required hospital treatment but all had now been discharged, she added.