Photocopied instead of printed, posters and fliers for clubs and discos were cheap and easy to produce.
There is also uncertainty if discos, quizzes, darts or pool leagues are considered to be "live entertainment".
In fact, Newsweek printed an article at the time that said there were 10, 000 discos in America in 1976.
The roller discos take place on Saturdays and Sundays through October from 2:45 pm to 6:45 pm, weather and park scheduling permitting.
Ran a civil bonfire every year, with discos and barbecues with that.
Yet the commercial shot for South Africa shows young white things jet-skiing about and dancing in discos in Cancun and Miami Beach.
And I'm entirely relaxed that I am rapidly heading towards a day when I will be doing my embarrassing Dad dance at school discos.
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Exploiting the craze for mock school discos is its latest move.
The trend is evident in the number of discos and pubs that have sprung up post-satellite television, and of youngsters no longer afraid of establishing their own identities.
Then there are the clothes, the make-up and the money spent on booze and discos to gain entry into the right circles where they might meet up with advertisers, television producers or filmmakers.
He said extra costs and red tape had also been imposed on school plays and discos where ticket sales went to Parent Teacher Association funds, Punch and Judy shows, street artists, park brass bands and restaurant pianists.
Filming footfalls and glances, fados and discos, and the transcendent absurdities that take place on movie sets, Green captures with passionate attention to light and shadow, to faces and voices, and to the electric thrill of the touch the mystic union of life and art, and honors the majesty of the actress, who breaks through boundaries in both realms.