• An additional benefit may also be the avoidance of physical contact and the potential for disease transmission.

    FORBES: Body temperature.

  • Unfortunately (and surprisingly) only two of the studies addressed the question of disease transmission directly, and the numbers involved were too small to find a statistically significant difference between groups.


  • While correlations had been observed between disease transmission and local climate changes in some regions, "there is still much uncertainty about the potential impact of climate change on malaria at local and global scales, " it said.

    BBC: Climate change is 'distraction' on malaria spread

  • It also warns that disease and parasite transmission and climate change may give the invading European hare an edge over our native species.

    BBC: Irish hare under threat from 'European brown' hare

  • Patients should feel confident that their care will be provided in a safe environment and that there is infinitesimal risk of transmission of disease.

    CNN: Don't be afraid of dentists

  • An increasing focus among public health officials and the media is the prospect that transmission of the disease is not only animal-to-animal but also human-to-human.

    FORBES: H7N9 Bird Flu Cases In China Rise By Four To 91; Half Have Had No Contact With Poultry

  • There are now three countries - Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria - where transmission of the disease has never been halted compared to 125 countries in the late 1980s.

    BBC: Bill Gates: The world can defeat polio

  • The infection hides in the intestine and lymph nodes and can survive in manure and pond water for a year or more, making transmission of the disease difficult to stop.

    BBC: Crohn's Disease

  • Both strategies are aligned on the important role of syringe services programs (SSPs) as part of more comprehensive approaches to preventing transmission of infectious disease and linking people to needed services.

    WHITEHOUSE: Health Care Blog | The White House

  • Using these variables, it can then predict the result of deploying various drugs, the likely success of methods such as insecticide-covered bed nets that are used to block transmission of the disease, and the probable impact of a vaccine, if and when one becomes available.

    ECONOMIST: Linking up computers to defeat malaria

  • However, the disease and its true method of transmission have yet to be determined definitively, with cockroaches now suspect as transmitters.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: SARS A threat to homeland security

  • The next goal with Guinea worm is to stop transmission of the parasitic disease in southern Sudan, which reported 2, 690 cases in 2009.

    CNN: Guinea worm a greater challenge than smallpox

  • While no vaccine exists for hepatitis C, early detection and treatment can curb transmission, limit the disease's progression, and prevent life-threatening complications, including liver cancer.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation -- World Hepatitis Day, 2012

  • In contrast, Mr Charleston's study which the government paid for, so as to learn how better to control the disease measured direct incidences of transmission between animals.

    ECONOMIST: Foot-and-mouth disease

  • The other cases do not show the sort of transmission pattern that normally gives away a genetic disease yet there is a bigger chance than normal that someone will suffer from Alzheimer's if relatives on his mother's side have also suffered.


  • Given the current state of knowledge of the biology of the disease, these epidemiologists argued, an elimination campaign could not guarantee to stop transmission, and thus keep the case-load down.

    ECONOMIST: How not to abolish leprosy

  • Anti-cull protesters, led by the Badger Trust, argued it had not yet been scientifically proven that badgers are implicated in the transmission of TB within cattle and it doubts a cull would help eradicate the disease.

    BBC: Pembrokeshire badger cull halted after appeal

  • It is not yet known how people are catching the disease, although the WHO says there is currently no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

    BBC: China culls poultry as bird flu death toll reaches six

  • Those who remember that richer places such as Spain, Italy, Greece and the southern United States once harboured the disease may be misled into thinking that the problem is one of social institutions to control its transmission.

    ECONOMIST: BY INVITATION: Helping the world’s poorest | The

  • If the fundamental disease is that individual eurozone countries have borrowed too much or are still borrowing too much, then the transmission mechanism making whole economies sick is the fear that banks possess too little capital to absorb losses that may arise if these country fail to repay all they owe.

    BBC: Will euro banks be saved before meltdown?

  • To prevent transmission, treatment would in theory need to be expanded to all the 34m people infected with the disease.

    ECONOMIST: Thirty years of a disease

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