As recently as December 2012, Conservative MP Philip Hollobone called it a "disgracefully inadequate estimate".
BBC: UK Politics
But the conflicts of interest inherent to investment banks became disgracefully sharper during the long 1990s bull market.
ECONOMIST: Why investors should always be suspicious of advisers
In 2008, the IOC disgracefully agreed to let China block access to Internet sites in the Beijing games.
CNN: Olympics, mark dark day in Munich
The FDA has disgracefully prolonged and complicated the approval process, thereby endangering--and losing--the lives of countless thousands of women.
FORBES: Fact and Comment
It was set hard by the harbor wall, with Mweelrea Mountain across the water, and disgracefully gray skies above.
NEWYORKER: Fjord of Killary
In the Daily Telegraph, Charles Moore says the episode of Radio 4's The Reunion about the spy Anthony Blunt was disgracefully one-sided.
BBC: The return of the X Factor
The attorney-general has come disgracefully close to dismissing the normal court system as a legal circus, unsuitable for the war against terror.
ECONOMIST: Liberty v security
So heads should roll, led by the head of that system, the Speaker of the House of Commons, who has disgracefully treated the entire episode as an impertinent invasion of his privacy.
ECONOMIST: Parliamentary expenses
Since the previous election he has twice prorogued parliament for disgracefully lengthy periods, the second time to avoid awkward questions about whether his officials lied to the house about the treatment of detainees in Afghanistan.
ECONOMIST: Canada's general election
This announcement has been handled disgracefully.
BBC: Ford to cut 1,400 car jobs in Southampton and Dagenham