And she has persistently warned of the dangers growing disillusion amongst voters at the political process.
His disillusion is said to have started with the farce which was the London mayoral contest.
They had better, or today's spectacular opinion poll ratings may be preludes to tomorrow's disillusion.
SBC's lawyers have succeeded in adding to the creeping sense of disillusion that now surrounds the legislation.
But Portugal lacks fringe politicians ready to benefit from disillusion with the mainstream.
Winston, I'm sorry to disillusion you, doesn't count journalists among his greatest fans.
The next is to ensure that it is the NDP that profits from any disillusion with the Conservative government.
Paradoxically, Mr Blair's disillusion has coincided with a period when quite a lot has been going Britain's way in Europe.
His many faults as a leader earned him the loathing of many Nepalis and spread disillusion with electoral democracy itself.
It depends on taxes and remittances from Eritreans living abroad but, after the disillusion of defeat, these may begin to dry up.
EU, because of the disillusion with the whole project that it reflects.
But if the campaign has shown anything so far, it is the deep disillusion with Mr Bush that exists among independent and Democratic voters.
The second cause of disillusion is a sense that Mr Sarkozy's reforms, which he promised would boost growth, jobs and pay, have not yielded results.
Disillusion would follow, and extreme elements would start to get traction.
The upshot is a creeping disillusion, captured in the latest polls.
Given the popular disillusion with Mr Chirac, the prime minister may find he is too closely tied to him to represent a credible sense of change.
ECONOMIST: A prime minister who is doing better than many had expected
He played that role well on Tuesday, gently chiding his party for offering blame without solutions and reminding them of the dangers of disillusion and disunity.
No wonder, therefore, that as one country after another adds to the general sense of disillusion, more and more seems to be expected of South Africa.
Most important, although many in Naples and Sicily welcomed the takeover from Turin, this reflected disillusion with their Bourbon monarchs, not enthusiasm for Piedmont's Victor Emmanuel II.
The country could also take advantage of the world's disillusion with the dollar to promote the yuan as an international store of value and medium of exchange.
Soft City, which depicts disillusion with capitalism and life in the modern city, was created between 1969 and 1974 and all 154 pages are displayed in the exhibition.
And he makes clear, in way that might disillusion fans of the music, that the artists were just as greedily obsessed with hits and sales as the corporate types.
Meanwhile there are a number of local battles with smaller parties like the Greens and the anti-EU UK Independence Party fighting hard to capitalise on disillusion with the big three parties.
Just when ministers were feeling the first cold winds of disillusion from voters last year, Mr Brown produced a package that delighted and reassured them that the government really was doing radical things.
It would indeed be ironic if a change in China's exchange-rate policy came not as a result of American pressure, but from China's own disillusion with the dollar as an international reserve currency.
Lara Koseff, spokeswoman of the Goodman Gallery, which is running Murray's Hail to the Thief II exhibition, defended the painting as "a very satirical look at contemporary South African politics... of the disillusion of democracy within the country".
BBC: Jacob Zuma painting: ANC to sue South Africa's Brett Murray