It is the middle course Icarus was instructed to fly by his father, but disobeyed and perished.
The pattern that emerges, he says, is of a society wishing to punish those who disobeyed the social rules of the time.
In the entire contemporaneous public record of the case--news articles, public statements and legal documents--there is no reference to any claim that we disobeyed the editor-in-chief's orders.
Donovan was supposed to have cleaned a part of the sub but had disobeyed orders and his transfer for an operational tour on RFA Cardigan Bay was cancelled.
MacArthur said no, that Wainwright had disobeyed his attack orders.
Donovan had been resentful after being told he would not be attached to the Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Cardigan Bay because he had disobeyed orders to clean part of the submarine, the court heard.
And consider the matter the U.S. Magistrate Judge did, finding that Hoffman and Seven Arts Pictures had disobeyed the charging order by failing to cough up the funds or the required financial statements and tax documents.
FORBES: Simply Ignoring Court Orders Is Not The Best Strategy
We were fed horror stories about children who had disobeyed the no-swimming rule, only to be hit by intestinal cramps in the water, something which apparently turned you blue in the face and caused you to drown.
Martin's family and the special prosecutor appointed to investigate the case have rejected that argument, saying they believe Zimmerman disobeyed the instructions of a police dispatcher to stop following Martin, racially profiled him and unjustly killed him.
Nixon, who was Eisenhower's vice president, had his own impact on the highways and their energy use in implementing the staggeringly unpopular directive to limit Interstate speeds to 55 mph, perhaps the most widely disobeyed law in U.S. history.