Poor nutrition during pregnancy almost triples the rate of antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.
However, in the vast majority of cases of bipolar disorder there would no history of flu.
The disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of overeating in a short periods of time.
In a bid to stem disorder, city pubs shut for two hours after the game.
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Most are a mix of visionary and hustler, with a dash of attention deficit disorder thrown in.
People with the disorder feel out of control during binges and are often disgusted with themselves afterward.
This disorder, an autoimmune disease in 7 million Americans, causes a painful, scaly rash.
But Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said tougher sentences would show there were consequences to disorder.
Mettle Hill was closed in 1996 as a result of anti-social behaviour and public disorder issues.
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Autism is a developmental disorder that can cause problems with social interaction and physical behaviour.
The disorder led Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt to issue a statement Tuesday appealing for calm.
Eight defendants, said to be from the Busy Block gang, deny murder, conspiracy and violent disorder.
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An increase in public disorder and in electoral support for the mullahs would logically follow.
Its editors focused on codifying symptoms that seemed to distinguish one mental disorder from another.
The best way to prevent suicide is to treat the underlying psychiatric disorder, Brent said.
The vast majority of those who have survived a traumatic experience suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Anna wanted to become pregnant again but had irregular menstruation due to her eating disorder.
Instead, it was an effective treatment for narcolepsy, a disorder marked by excessive daytime sleepiness.
Kelly, who has suffered from an eating disorder herself, later apologized, but Marie Claire has not.
He suffers from neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes massive life-threatening tumors on his face.
Beset by mischance, confounded by disorder, they had mostly done what they were asked to do.
In addition, the clinical picture for children with an autism-spectrum disorder is often complex.
They also haven't been able to identify a typical gene disorder that may be the source.
The organization is also arranging a community meeting on posttraumatic stress disorder for early May.
For those who have bipolar disorder, there's an app called Bipolar Disorder Connect.
This free app is a gateway into a community of people living with bipolar disorder.
In the United States, 1 in 150 people are estimated to have an autism spectrum-related disorder.
Danielle Parker says her mother suffered from bipolar disorder and had stopped taking her medicine.
He was sucked into it by the global disorder that followed the first world war.
PCSOs work with schools and young people as well as supporting crime and disorder reduction partnerships.