The hospital will still have a role in treating complex, life-threatening disorders and serious injuries.
Beyond its musical application, the machine represents tantalizing possibilities for research into disorders that affect speech.
Without it, symptoms can range from digestive disorders to very serious illnesses including osteoporosis and bowel cancer.
The researchers also hope to learn from this Wellcome Trust-funded study, how mental disorders might develop.
BBC: Brain scan study to understand workings of teenage mind
Autistic spectrum disorders, including Asperger's syndrome, are thought to affect about 1% of the population worldwide.
Max Hirshkowitz, the director of the Sleep Disorders and Research Center at the Michael E.
The ACA includes substance use disorders as one of the ten elements of essential health benefits.
Still, among many psychiatrists, the notion persisted that the true causes of mental disorders were unconscious.
These can include ear infections, vomiting and diarrhoea, pneumonia, meningitis and serious eye disorders.
It causes fever in adult cattle, although the animals do recover, and congenital disorders in lambs.
Health Ministry officials said that the one-story hospital housed patients with severe mental disorders.
But once the people with serious disorders are treated, where will the technology go next?
Nodding off after dinner or wanting to sleep till noon could indicate circadian rhythm disorders.
People with autism disorders often have strengths suited to certain jobs, Ms. Hartman says.
The drug discovery company develops therapeutic treatments for central nervous system disorders, pain, cancer and addictions.
The dementia should evaluated and diagnosed by a physician with special training in cognitive disorders.
CNN: Better understanding of dementia leading to more effective therapies
But Opko is also determined to go into oncology, infectious diseases, and neurological disorders.
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Amgen just got another FDA panel vote, a unanimous recommendation of a treatment for platelet disorders.
Right now drugs for rare disorders are the sweet spot of the biotechnology industry.
Such sleep disorders can be treated with medications which relax the muscles and prevent movement.
This is Jacob's Ladder, the school O'Dell founded in 1999 to treat children with neurological disorders.
The biggest problem concerns Colombia, whose violent disorders are the most immediate threat facing South America.
Studies suggest that diets heavy in sugar are a risk factor for mood disorders.
It says Christmas can be a time of despair for those with eating disorders.
The film also shows us that treatment can work and people can overcome their disorders.
CNN: Opinion: Film offers 'silver lining' for mental illness
Evidence for yoga's effect on eating disorders and cognition problems was either conflicting or lacking.
Other reported problems include skin ailments, kidney damage, hypertension, central-nervous-system disorders, insomnia and nausea.
People with serious illnesses (and substance use disorders have a high mortality rate) are vulnerable.
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One of Holmes's classes was titled: "Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders, " university documents show.
Does Doonan have any response to allegations that the skinny can could promote eating disorders?
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