It's in this context that the apologists dispense their psychological balm with near-Churchillian fervor.
Thy work will be to dispense justice and punish those that violate Divine laws.
We could dispense with trials and determine Martha's guilt or innocence by popular vote.
While most veterinarians still dispense annual vaccines, Goldstein blames many chronic ailments on this practice.
Her failure there, she says, was that she was unable to dispense justice equally.
The vehicles can dispense cash or take deposits if the bank's existing buildings lose power.
Mr Solbes said that 80% of Europe's cash machines had successfully managed to dispense euros.
The same system is used to dispense coins, which are perennially in short supply.
The church runs monthly missions to the jails to dispense toothpaste, shampoo and basic food supplies.
Easier - and potentially quicker - would be to dispense with the keyboard altogether.
The remedy should be to underpin democracy, not to dispense with it for administrative convenience.
However, I feel sure one can dispense with this maneuver without offending the good saint.
LDP's traditionalists, who have systematically watered down all attempts in the past to dispense similar medicine.
Ought one not to dispense it more ethically, on good works, or invest it for the future?
Uncle Sam is relying on their honest accounting to determine how to dispense massive subsidies to them.
Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Bill Buxton believes the mouse is just too valuable to dispense with.
We now dispense, in real terms, about 15 times as much in blatant disregard of human nature.
FORBES: Does Limiting Government Really Condemn Children To Starvation?
One version of the Black Hawk also has the ability to dispense small mines from the air.
Farnsworth's idea was to dispense with moving parts, producing images by shooting electrons through a vacuum tube.
We could implement the new levy for a while, then dispense with it once deficit shortfalls narrow.
Most undertake not just to lower bills, but to dispense with whole tomes of the 3.4m-word code.
Either way, as Sakhalin proves, the Kremlin evidently feels it can afford to dispense with the niceties.
Dispense of Espoo's rose-colored glasses and the case for this middle of the road Lumia becomes somewhat clearer.
With Star Wars: Episode II--Attack Of The Clones, Lucas was able to dispense with those pedestrian constraints altogether.
Some of the ever-rising costs are the result of poor approaches to how we dispense medicine in America.
Block grants -- states, not the federal government, will decide how to dispense aid using limited federal funds.
Before I dispense my remedy, I should mention that in this writing I will provide a rough schematic.
He says he has no choice but to prosecute it: it is not his job to dispense pardons.
Aegerion will certify all health care providers who prescribe JUXTAPID and the pharmacies that will dispense the medicine.
FORBES: FDA Approves Lomitapide For Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia
This begs the question: Why would experienced advisors be willing to dispense their valuable wisdom without getting paid?