Staying close but keeping his distance, he followed the girl from one display case to another.
We walked past a display case of Star Wars aliens, and returned to the front door.
Behind a small display case full of fresh fish stood the heavy-set, walrus-mustachioed owner.
Every year, a wooden display case bearing all 80 goblets is transported to the reunion city.
Check out Frank Sinatra's gleaming Grammy and Oscar awards in a display case near the hostess stand.
Every toy soldier painted in a hobbyist's garage now can have an Internet display case and potential home.
Women and men buy their weekly supply of meat from attendants bustling behind a display case packed with choice cuts.
The display case is sealed, not to protect the contents from visitors, but the visitors from the highly toxic relics inside.
The coins will remain at the British Museum until sufficient funds are raised for a high security display case at St Neots Museum.
The Samsung NL22B LCD Transparent Display is the ultimate retail product showcase with a 22-inch LCD transparent display case in a single, powerful package.
ENGADGET: Samsung bringing 85-inch ultra high definition TV to CES HD
One display case, called "The Price of a Life, " brings the whole business down to a microeconomic scale, and features perhaps the most disturbing artifacts.
WSJ: Human Transactions | Spirits of the Passage | Frazier History Museum | By Mark Yost
Alexander Peitersen, managing director of Reputation, was one of the architects of the program and offered his agency's windows as the display case for the unemployed.
WSJ: Danish Job-Seekers Sit in Storefront Window to Find Work, Draw Employers' Attention
Ramineh Behbehanian, 50, is accused of adding rubbing alcohol to the contents of the bottles and then placing them into a refrigerated display case, Police Sgt.
Thieves recently broke in, smashed its display case and stole most of its trophies, just days before the club's presentation night was due to be held.
There is a wooden display case, about the size of a folding bridge table, showing off a portable retrospective he created for the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1889.
Behbehanian was arrested Monday after a customer spotted her allegedly pulling out two bottles of orange juice from a bag and putting them in the display case, he said.
The employees immediately pulled the bottles of orange juice from the display case, and the store was evacuated until firefighters could determine the contents of the bottles, Hutson said.
Another house, which Mr. Ferraro calls the "golf-and-tennis suite, " has sage-green beadboard in the hallways and golf artifacts, including a display case tracing the history of the golf ball.
WSJ: Jim Ferraro's Larger-Than-Life Estate in Martha's Vineyard
Behind this retail chain is a wholesale buying operation: Graff Diamonds International is vertically integrated, taking stones from the rough shapes that come out of the mine to the display case.
And, yes, these type of shows also appeal to the primal need to exult over luxe, all those expensive and flashy-looking things that shine in the night or at least in the display case.
FORBES: The New Tutmania: Considering The Half-Life Of An Afterlife
There was a good deal of subsequent yelling between kitchen and capo, who stood behind the display case and now and then sucked deeply on a cigarette and swigged beer from a bottle on a shelf above him.
All considered, the PlayStation 3D Display makes the case for a gamer-centric screen.
FORBES: Sony's PlayStation 3D Display: A Good Deal For Gamers
That changes if you throw down even more money on a 5760 x 1080 triple-display rig, in which case NVIDIA takes the lead in some games, but loses in others -- leaving the two rivals closer than the single-card reviews we looked at yesterday.
ENGADGET: NVIDIA's GTX 680 tested in SLI and multi-display modes, loses some of its lead
"These tapes, which the committee will put on display, really nail down the case, " said Sen.
Unlike in previous models, the battery of the MacBook Pro with Retina Display is glued to its metal case.
Foreshadowing, perhaps, his later display of constitutional consistency in the Ghailani case, Kaplan stressed that these were not simply privileges due to white-collar defendants.
It also throws in a "Find my Phone" feature, a remote wipe and a camera option that will let you see your phone's front or rear camera views -- as well as snap pictures remotely and store them directly on your computer -- without activating the display (a very useful feature in case your prized possession gets stolen).
While more people stopped by in case of the 24-jar display, the number that bought was 10-times less than the 6-jar scenario (3% vs. 30%).
FORBES: 5 Behavioral Economics Principles Marketers Can't Afford to Ignore
For the extra dough, however, the Voodoo Envy 133 packs plenty of extras: a carbon-fiber case, ambient sensors that adjust the display to suit the environment and a customizable finish.
There is only one place in which a conscientious grocer would display an assortment of hedged investment products: the perishables case.