• This will displease Israel and the Americans, who have worked assiduously to remove him from both fields.

    ECONOMIST: Deadlock over Hamas, and Israel's assassination policy

  • And a tightening of economic sanctions might well displease Cuba's dissident movement including those in jail who in varying degrees oppose the American embargo.

    ECONOMIST: Fidel Castro has got rougher, so what does George Bush do?

  • In the circumstances the last thing any government in Europe will want is to be seen to displease the new American president.

    ECONOMIST: Europe and America

  • That Mr Li apparently did not mention this pact to the private-equity bidders suggests that he knew his planned sale would displease his Chinese partner.

    ECONOMIST: Telecoms

  • But that might displease Blue Capital, as short-term profits would suffer.

    ECONOMIST: Carrefour

  • The Indian government is in a bind as it doesn't want to strain relations with its southern neighbor, but at the same time also doesn't want to displease Tamil parties.

    WSJ: India Party Pulls Support From Government

  • The book will displease the noisy revisionists who want to play down the role of Europe in making us what we are -- even if our ancestors came from Africa or Asia.

    FORBES: A chat with J.M. Roberts

  • It is a contrast that does not altogether displease the prime minister, who has recently taken a leaf from Margaret Thatcher's book, complaining as she used to, in the manner of an exasperated observer about the government's lack of radicalism.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Journalists whose writings displease such a politician are cut off from the flow of information, for example, by not being invited into the officeholder's house for the informal evening chats where selected tidbits of information are handed out like candies.

    FORBES: Hold the presses

  • The affirmation will please the Palestinians, who argue that security talks must open the way for political ones, as much as it will displease the Israeli government, which is deeply reluctant to take up some of the suggestions made earlier this year by a group led by a former American senator, George Mitchell.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

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