• "Theaters were in the disreputable part of town, with pimps and gallows and bear-baiting, " she said.

    WSJ: Culture City: Eats and Tweets in the Seats

  • They have a young daughter, Isabelle (Michelle Gylemo), and a disreputable best friend, David (Krister Henriksson).

    NEWYORKER: Faithless

  • Mr Kumar liked to recall the days when acting itself was regarded as disreputable.

    ECONOMIST: Ashok Kumar, a star of India, died on December 10th, aged 90

  • Her latest role is Rowena, an unprincipled investigative journalist for a disreputable rag called the New York Courier.

    WSJ: Film Review

  • Agents travelling overseas will be banned from drinking on duty, visiting "disreputable establishments" and bringing foreigners into hotel rooms.

    BBC: Secret Service Colombia scandal prompts new rules

  • Others say it's the perception of a problem stemming from a few disreputable domestic wineries mislabeling vintages and grapes.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Opposition groups now worry that disreputable Golkar supporters could adopt even uglier tactics.


  • So anyone commonly known to be disreputable can be chucked out even if there is no conviction against him.

    ECONOMIST: The countdown to the post-Zardari era begins

  • HON's director, members who are electronically linked to disreputable sites cut their ties.

    ECONOMIST: Click and drug

  • Seeing a potential for the industry despite its tiny asset base and somewhat disreputable image, FORBES put a spotlight on funds.

    FORBES: The Prevalence of Fads

  • As an investment class, life settlement can be legitimate, if somewhat disreputable, but it is not for amateurs (FORBES, Oct. 5, 2009).

    FORBES: OutFront

  • His entourage included unstable and disreputable bullies such as Roy Cohn as well as stable and reputable bullies such as Robert Kennedy.

    ECONOMIST: McCarthyism

  • The RPS scheme cannot outlaw disreputable sites, or the unwanted emails offering cut-price deals on medicines such as the anti-impotence drug Viagra.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Logo shows 'approved' drug sites

  • The DPJ came to power in September promising to break the disreputable triangle linking the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the bureaucracy and big business.

    ECONOMIST: Tackling Japan's bureaucracy

  • So disreputable are most of Mr. Allman's cast of characters that a few carpetbaggers Northerners operating in Florida during Reconstruction emerge as heroes of a sort.

    WSJ: Book Review: Finding Florida

  • The National Enquirer, one of the less disreputable supermarket tabloids, reported last year that Mr Edwards had been carrying on with a campaign staffer.

    ECONOMIST: A disappointingly grubby coda to a political career

  • They offered political positions to editors who supported it, and Seward hired disreputable lobbyists to secure the votes of resistant Democrats and ambivalent border-state Unionists.

    NEWYORKER: Union Man

  • And osteopathic medicine has a certain disreputable tinge going back a century when osteopaths believed all disease sprang from the spine or the skeletal system.

    FORBES: An Uncommon Practice

  • Unfortunately for Russia, its government is now more incompetent, corrupt and generally disreputable than it has been since the collapse of communism at the start of the 1990s.

    ECONOMIST: Terror in Russia

  • Then again, who remembers the disreputable Vancouver Stock Exchange, long a haven for thinly traded stocks that drilled unsuccessfully for one metal or another, which finally shuttered in 1999?

    FORBES: Gold Rush

  • Still, it isn't clear that Ro knows how unprincipled she is, or that the Courier knows how disreputable it is, for the movie itself has a smarmy tabloid soul.

    WSJ: Film Review

  • But Goldman was still a fairly insignificant firm, in a business then considered sleepy and disreputable, when John decided to join in 1950, straight out of Harvard Business School.

    ECONOMIST: John Weinberg

  • They joined the thousands that had descended during the 1893 World's Fair, disreputable men and women who stayed long after the Ferris Wheel was dismantled and Buffalo Bill skipped town.

    NPR: Elevating the World's Oldest Profession in Chicago

  • Critics say the Americans could easily have snuffed out the plot by leaning on the Dominican government, but that although there were some pretty disreputable characters in the rebel ranks they chose not to.

    ECONOMIST: Is Haiti getting better?

  • He moved next to a Florida paper, and from there to the disreputable corner office in the Enquirer building, in a run-down resort near Palm Beach, from which he was to entertain and terrify America.

    ECONOMIST: Eddie Clontz

  • Made all the more incongruous, perhaps, by the fact that the whole shebang is going down in the precincts of Hollywood, which Lieberman has regularly joined the Christian right in denouncing as the most morally disreputable of Democratic strongholds.

    CNN: Bleeding-Heart Republicans vs. God-Fearing Democrats; What Is This?

  • Our Kimberley Strassel reported last year that Idaho businessman and Mitt Romney donor Frank VanderSloot was first maligned publicly by an Obama campaign website as disreputable, and then was mysteriously targeted by the IRS and the Labor Department for audits.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: The IRS Wants You

  • On the Democratic side, Mr Gore for all his attempts to distance himself may find he cannot shake the disreputable shade of Bill Clinton, and may suffer more than he supposes from Mr Bradley's popularity in the states that vote on March 7th.

    ECONOMIST: All sewn up?

  • Disreputable companies rarely escape punishment.

    FORBES: Working For An Unethical Firm: What Are Your Options?

  • Ms Medina, a disreputable character who is also being investigated for alleged links to the ELN, another guerrilla group, had given a videotaped interview in 2004 in which she said that three of her followers were given government jobs in exchange for her vote on the re-election amendment.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

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