People also engage in dissipation, distraction, and rationalization to relieve the discomfort of pressure.
Enormous conviction is needed to resist this wasteful dissipation of energy into make-work techno-management.
The aluminum offers resilience from blunders, improved heat dissipation, and is fully recyclable.
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Cooling occurs through unaided dissipation, though this too is quicker with smaller droplets, which lose energy more rapidly than bigger ones.
For example, heat dissipation from the interior of such a chip will be even more difficult to manage than with existing designs.
This dissipation often causes stresses to accumulate elsewhere in the fault system, triggering tremors far from the place where the rocks first slipped.
When the plasmasphere gets hit, some of the plasma dissipates, making it smaller, but that dissipation prevents too much intense radiation from hitting the inner belt.
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With great fortunes being created almost monthly in our dynamic economy, more and more newly wealthy people are beginning to ponder the problem of long-term dissipation of wealth.
The breakdown of trust and communication can drive a family down the path of failure and dissipation of the success of a lifetime of work to build wealth.
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Instead, I heard a lot about the science of water use and dissipation and how Pat put science to work to literally save Las Vegas from going dry.
The incredibly slim and light design, the powerful engine inside, and a heat dissipation system that won't scald your legs make the new Blade an excellent portable gaming option.
CNN: Review: Razer Blade gaming laptop sleek, powerful, pricey
Rather than dwell on the old performance metric of speed, Otellini, in his first Intel Developer Forum speech as CEO, focused on power consumption and heat dissipation of semiconductors.
According to NEC, that'll let them "cut dissipation for digital consumer electronics in the standby mode to just a few percent of what it is now, " and at no expense of convenience.
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"I think what that led to was a dissipation of resources, it meant we didn't have sufficiently strong school improvement services as the older counties had had, we didn't have expertise in human resource support for head teachers, " Mr Andrews said.
While a single wind-turbine does not affect the global atmosphere, the installation of a large number of such devices will interfere with the atmospheric circulation and diminish the extraction efficiency on the large scale, since any extraction of momentum will act in competition with natural wind-power energy dissipation by turbulence in the boundary layer.
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These initiatives are under the supervision of national institutions or authorities which shall work for the strengthening of the enforcement system of mandatory building codes, protecting critical facilities such as schools, hospitals and historic buildings, and promoting the development of more affordable retrofitting techniques and the use of available seismic isolation or energy dissipation techniques.