We're always just approaching each song fresh, and distilling new influences through the music.
Others believe the urns were used as distilling vessels during the early stages of funeral rites.
He saw that micro-distilling was gaining momentum, as state after state cut taxes and eased permits.
ECONOMIST: Start-ups are shaking up an old and staid industry
One of the challenges of data visualization is maintaining the spirit of the information and not over-distilling it.
Originally they were derived from coal-tar, the black viscous waste product left over from distilling coal for gas.
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By algorithmically crunching big data, distilling it, enhancing it, analyzing it, and visualizing it, businesses are getting an advantage.
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If Bathgate has mastered one thing in his young and enormously promising career, it's the art of distilling alienation into bruised-sounding beauty.
The hard hat tour takes visitors through the distilling process and may include a taste of whiskey straight off the still.
For me, the processes of distilling and determining the essential lessons of the class helped a lot of the details stick.
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The whole fermenting and distilling process needs to get twice as efficient.
Now, for our final piece of camcorder phone advice, or a way of distilling all of this into an app game plan.
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It took Sipsmith two years to get a handwritten distilling licence from Scottish Revenue and Customs, and then the year was wrong.
ECONOMIST: Start-ups are shaking up an old and staid industry
Perhaps unexpectedly, the effects of rhetorical flourishes and verbal facilities on voters can be better understood by distilling them down to numbers.
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It would mean an increase of 10% in the company's malt whisky distilling capacity, meaning 5 million litres of additional spirit each year.
BBC: Chivas Brothers reveal plans for new Speyside distillery
Firefly, probably the first and best-known company to package and sell the product, began distilling a sweet tea and vodka drink in 2008.
The Samuels family began distilling whisky (proud of their Scottish-Irish ancestry, the Samuels eschew the Americanized spelling of whiskey) commercially in 1840.
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In this section of the series, the three walk through their worst errors along with strategies for distilling feedback from customers, investors and advisers.
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The secrets: The kind of old-fashioned, small-lot, artisanal distilling all but abandoned by the big Cognac houses, and the added fruit character of the local pinot noir.
Congressmen love ethanol subsidies, notwithstanding that growing corn and distilling it into ethanol uses 29%more energy than it produces, according to Cornell University's David Pimentel.
Seven years ago, according to Bill Owens, who heads up the micro-distillers trade group, American Distilling Institute, there were 30 craft-sized pot stills operating in America.
Bill Welter, an ex-banker and passionate golfer who got the distilling bug while living in Scotland, makes vodka, bilberry gin, rum, rye and whiskey in Michigan.
Although Scotch whisky must be made in Scotland, only about one fifth of the total output is made by distilling companies which are based in Scotland.
Operational Big Data is about automating and streamlining the process of distilling huge amounts of data into a form that can support decision making and process execution.
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That in turn allowed start-ups such as Anchor Distilling (whisky and gin) and Hangar One (vodka), both based in San Francisco, to take on the big boys.
ECONOMIST: Start-ups are shaking up an old and staid industry
He said Holyrood could put a levy on the water used in the distilling process, a suggestion backed by another former economic advisor to the government, Sir George Mathewson.
They took a light hand with their references so that the clothes felt of our moment, distilling a longing for pieces that are intelligent, poetic and also a little tough.
This year also saw the debut of the world's first ethanol tycoon, Brazilian billionaire Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello, who has made a fortune distilling processed sugarcane into the clean-burning fuel.
They have created, for example, an educational puppet show, illustrating, among other horrors, the dangers of distilling alcohol when there are elephants about: they are boozers as well as gourmands.
Crop yields are now projected to be better, natural gas-fired distilling is projected to get more efficient, and the carbon emissions from increased land use are now less than previously calculated.
In addition, Apigee has realized that intelligence must be added to APIs to allow them to distribute analytics and machine learning for distilling data and recognizing events closer to the data.
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