And usually those attempts to distract attention are driven by a concern that the person attempting to distract is losing the debate on the substantive issues.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Gaggle aboard the Press Bus en route Davenport, IA
And basically to distract, I think, attention from that and to change the subject.
After his conversation with the Governor, a lot happened to distract Steve from his new cause.
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Second, does the obsessive focus of investors on the Fed distract them from more important issues?
Independent counsels should not often come in and distract the U.S. government from its essential business.
But the coming hullabaloo over Ryan's budget proposals may distract the economically pained from punishing Obama.
The act of smoking, and the smoke auterizing his throat, appeared to distract him.
Here was a meaningful playoff contest to distract from the real pain of a brutal afternoon.
Theme park operator Six Flags, comparatively, uses a more basic and common tactic to distract guests.
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Other SWAT members set off a stun blast to distract Brown and stormed the house.
Other studies suggest that cell phones can distract our attention from the present moment.
Only once did a loud gust of wind distract his attention from the screen.
FORBES: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Superstorm Sandy, and Social Media: A New York City Perspective
It may sound contrived, but you can distract people with fun much easier than with fear.
Unless he stops this very strange almost obsession, teams will learn how to distract him.
America, said senior officials and the state-controlled press, was just trying to distract attention.
ECONOMIST: Syria hates the war, but is too weak to play the spoiler
Griffiths says he is disappointed that these issues are continuing to distract Welsh rugby.
The trick, the researchers found, was that the good delayers were able to distract themselves.
But it proved impossible to distract the jury from what was said in those calls.
Unfortunately, Republicans continue to push their tired, false claims to distort and distract the American people.
The film "praises Muslims" and "I don't want these scenes to distract from its purpose", he added.
We don't want to create unnecessary noise or panic, or distract from the messages that really matter.
He doesn't want to distract the 340, 000 employees from the unfinished business of turning the company around.
Short-term price movements, its oil minister insists, should not distract from the world's enduring thirst for oil.
ECONOMIST: Oil prices have plunged. Another spike may be on its way
The widgets work because they are unobtrusive and do not distract other viewers from watching their programmes.
When Ms. Brickman tried to distract him with questions and a gentle touch, his anxiety turned to self-loathing.
The simple designs don't distract from the luxurious vegetable-tanned leathers, which took a year of tannery-investigating to find.
Why distract from all the other things we could be talking about by just simply providing the list?
That includes the few dozen or so behind the basket trying to distract him with wildly waving arms.
Speaking to The Stage newspaper, John Berry said the events "distract" and did not create new audiences.
Sometimes, thoughts like that will send me down research paths that can distract me for days or longer.