The distributed denial-of-service attack failed to crash those payment networks, but David says Anonymous did manage to poke around their back-end computer systems.
Spamhaus accused Cyberbunker, a Dutch Web-hosting company, of coordinating the so-called distributed denial-of-service attack against it, according to a report by the British Broadcasting Corp.
Rouland points out that ISS Tuesday discovered a chat room called "IP Victims" on Yahoo that is being used for the exchange of IP addresses of machines compromised by the Trojan horse Back Orifice and an older distributed denial-of-service attack tool called Sub Seven.
In a tweet on its Twitter feed, MTGox said it was fighting off a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, which involves a site being bombarded with huge amounts of data.
This so-called Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack relies on having enough users, voluntary or not, to flood a site with so much traffic that it gets shunted offline.