• The store's website, Americastore.com, has already been selling the doll, said district manager Andrea McNiff.

    BBC: Dubya doll flies off shelves

  • It was Leo who was the major breadwinner as a successful district manager at a grocery store.

    BBC: Magazine

  • "He didn't know who I was or where I got his application, " recalled Melissa Surby-Curtin, the franchise group's district manager.

    WSJ: The Unemployed Worker's New Friend: Outsourcers

  • The district manager was on the verge of getting fired, says McIntyre, when the company brought her in to consult.

    FORBES: How To Get Your Boss Fired

  • More than two dozen unsalvageable buildings in or around Coney Island still need to be demolished, said Chuck Reichenthal, the district manager of the area's community board.

    WSJ: NYC's Coney Island hopes for rebound after Sandy

  • Neil Stoddart, a forest district manager for the Forestry Commission at Llandovery in Carmarthenshire, said although conifer production was an important part of rural economic development, it could be balanced with environmental gains.

    BBC: Woodland care 'harming' habitats

  • An airplane pilot, Littleton first espied a Kiger as he was flying over the herd-management area with BLM District Manager Joshua Warburton, who was eager to generate outside interest in the horses to ensure their protection.

    FORBES: Wild Horse Trading

  • Patrick Gural , a 35-year-old district manager overseeing 21 Albertsons (nyse: ABS - news - people ) stores in the south Dallas area, looks as if the skim milk in his cereal doesn't agree with his stomach.

    FORBES: The Guru in the Vegetable Bin

  • Earlier Wednesday, a fifth hole drilled down into the mine found just six inches of open space left between the roof and rubble in an 8-foot-high tunnel, said Jack Kuzar, a district manager with the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration.

    CNN: Crews prepare for final rescue effort at Utah mine

  • Artur Ratusznik, district forest manager for the region of Wloszczowa, decided to send samples to his former professor, Tadeusz Kowalski at the Agricultural University of Krakow, to see if he could identify what was killing the Ash trees.

    BBC: Ash dieback: Chalara fungus 'originated in Asia'

  • In Oregon, the Riverdale district has engaged in the practice for more than a decade, said Kathy Rodeman, the district's business manager.

    WSJ: Rye Brook Markets the $20,000 Public School

  • The New York police's story -- as related by spokesman Christopher Pisano -- is that officers were called Thursday to her abode in Manhattan's theater district after her building manager reported the 27-year-old was smoking an "illegal substance" in the lobby.


  • As well as the community navigator manager, five district co-ordinators have been appointed together with about 60 volunteers.

    BBC: Cambridgeshire scheme trialled to support the elderly

  • Robert Bobb, the school district's emergency financial manager, has tried several policies to try to balance the books, including closing 59 schools.

    ECONOMIST: Education policy

  • Mr. SAM ATWOOD (Media Manager, Coast Air Quality Management District): And that is a very conservative calculation, actually.

    NPR: L.A. Looks to Cut Smog with Leaf Blower Trade-In

  • At one panel discussion, Jan Shori, general manager of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, the sixth-largest community-owned electric utility in the country, noted the state of California's ambitious goals to reduce carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In Detroit, the ailing district has been under the control of a state-appointed emergency manager for almost three years.

    WSJ: City Schools Gain in Reading, Math

  • Brian Kasher is the Manager of Environmental Health and Safety for the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District, with 20.1 million square feet of occupied space, 630 buildings and 1250 mobile units he serves 180, 000 daily occupants.

    WHITEHOUSE: Brian kasher | The White House

  • Suffolk Coastal District Council is due to close the venue in January while a buyer or manager is being sought.

    BBC: Spa Pavilion

  • What we have in Detroit is an Emergency Manager appointed by the previous governor who was facing a challenge from the School District which was frustrated by his top-down approach to school reform.

    FORBES: Michigan Emergency Manager Robert Bobb Issues Layoff Notice to All Detroit Public School Teachers

  • 's former senior manager in the Desktop Display Business Group, was found guilty today in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco, of participating in a worldwide TFT-LCD price-fixing conspiracy from May 15, 2002 to Dec. 1, 2006.

    ENGADGET: Former senior manager at AU Optronics found guilty of involvement in LCD price fixing

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