• Indonesia, with the world's fourth-largest population, enjoys a stable political environment with solid growth and a well-diversified economy.

    WSJ: Ian Bremmer on Pivot States

  • Canada, with solid banks and a diversified economy, has so far escaped the worst of the credit crunch.

    ECONOMIST: Canada's general election

  • Since independence in 1968, Mauritius has developed from a low-income, agriculturally based economy to a middle-income diversified economy with growing industrial, financial, and tourist sectors.

    FORBES: Mauritius

  • Fitch cited the UK's diversified economy, robust institutions and political stability in its decision, adding that the country's independent monetary policy framework gives it added flexibility.

    MSN: Fitch affirms UK at AAA but warns on debt, economy

  • Immigrants seek new ways of doing things, creating a broadly diversified economy that reduces the vulnerabilities that can come through reliance upon only a few established industries.

    FORBES: The United States Need Not Become Europe

  • But after the banking and euro-zone crises, Scotland would be far more vulnerable to shocks as a nation of 5m people than as part of a diversified economy of 62m.

    ECONOMIST: The economics of home rule

  • The chancellor's speech comes as Standard and Poor's said it would hold the UK's credit rating at the highest possible level in light of its "wealthy and diversified economy" and said the outlook remained "stable".

    BBC: Tory conference: Osborne rules out temporary tax cuts

  • Sometimes it might make more sense , even given our inept political parties, to look at opportunities closer to home, where constitutional protections, a large domestic market and a diversified economy may provide better long-run prospects.

    FORBES: The Braking Of The BRICs

  • The reason was a more diversified economy.

    ECONOMIST: One river, one country

  • Dubai, which is part of the United Arab Emirates, will continue to be a major driver for Islamic finance in the near term, as it attempts to recycle the region's petroleum wealth into real estate, tourism, technology and other anchors of a truly diversified economy.

    FORBES: Contenders For The Crown

  • In addition, open trade with the EU allowed it to build a diversified export economy.

    FORBES: Turkey's Hot Stock Market Is No One-Trick Pony

  • Despite a well diversified and large economy, a gradual loss of competitiveness has eroded its export-oriented industrial base.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Brazil is anticipating a new and steady inflow of petrodollars, but wants to avoid following Venezuela into a resource-extractive economic pit by glutting itself with petrodollars at the expense of its already well-diversified and industrialized economy.

    FORBES: Brazil: Strategic Planning For Pre-Salt

  • For Ffion Lloyd, Ryder Cup project director at Newport City Council, the tournament is already playing a key role in Newport's continuing redevelopment from a former industrial town to a modern city with a diversified and growing economy.

    BBC: Newport tees up for Ryder Cup boost

  • But whereas the Texan economy diversified into high-tech, Louisiana turned to gambling, with disastrous results: politicians were bought off by companies looking for licences for land and riverboat casinos, and the state became split between the pro-gambling populism of Mr Edwards and the anti-gambling sentiments of the good government crowd, most of them Republicans.

    ECONOMIST: American politics

  • Zimbabwe has excellent farmland, a well-educated workforce, an independent judiciary and the most diversified sub-Saharan economy outside South Africa.

    ECONOMIST: The mess one man makes

  • Treviso's economy is diversified, however, and jobs are not yet an issue in Carpi, where neat industrial estates and the city's shops exude well being.

    ECONOMIST: Italian textiles and China

  • Indeed, among the larger established tech regions, the only real winners have been Seattle, with its diversified and heavily suburbanized economy, and greater Washington, D.

    FORBES: The New Places Where America's Tech Future Is Taking Shape

  • However, in recent years the economy has diversified into light industry and tourism with about four-fifths of GDP and of exports being attributed to services.

    FORBES: Barbados

  • The Peruvian economy is diversified with, the service sector accounting for 53% of its GDP, followed by the manufacturing industry (34.8%), the extractive industries (15%) and agriculture (7%).

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Peru

  • However, the agency noted the UK "continues to be well supported by a large, diversified and highly competitive economy, a particularly flexible labour market, and a banking sector that compares favourably to peers in the euro area".

    BBC: Moody's rating agency places UK on negative outlook

  • Why try it in Morocco, which has a diversified modern and relatively free economy?

    FORBES: Is Arab Spring Bad For Investors?

  • The economy is now diversified enough to be immune from future downturns in the oil industry.

    ECONOMIST: Oklahoma��s capital three years on

  • Its economy is well diversified and it has a large, hungry domestic market.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Egypt: The IMF’s model pupil | The

  • Though huge offshore oil discoveries in 2007 ensure that the country will become a leading energy exporter, its economy is well diversified.

    WSJ: Ian Bremmer on Pivot States

  • In addition, Canada's economy is well diversified.

    WSJ: Ian Bremmer on Pivot States

  • Iscaro suggests that Ireland should also try to make the economy more competitive and diversified, partly by capping wage increases in the public sector and cutting costs.

    FORBES: European Economy

  • But the underlying economy has not been diversified or restructured.

    ECONOMIST: Russia's presidency

  • Analysts also say it is highly diversified, with a domestic-demand economy and a strong exporting base.

    WSJ: For Sale: Eastern Europe | WSJ.Money Summer 2013

  • However, as it can provide something of a hedge to extreme negative events, we continue to advocate modest holdings in diversified portfolios while the outlook for the global economy remains so uncertain.

    FORBES: HSBC Neutral On Gold, Wary Of Bubble

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