" She said she thinks rumors have been spread "to divert attention from election results.
The Independent warned against letting the media bill divert attention from other serious issues.
Syria has denied the allegations, saying the U.S. wants to divert attention from civil disorder in Iraq.
"The management will blame the weather and will seek to divert attention from their own mismanagement, " he added.
His compatriots in the Clinton administration divert attention from their non-signature by stressing their work on destroying mines.
Mr Howard's critics accused him of seeking to divert attention from his unpopular effort to reform Australia's labour-relations system.
ECONOMIST: John Howard wants more police power to fight terrorism
From Russia's viewpoint, Mr Medvedev's scheme has helped to divert attention from Georgia.
But, we also understand that implementing new systems and getting them to work with each other can divert attention from business goals.
The Islamic summit was supposed to divert attention from this domestic in-fighting.
She is delaying her decision so it does not divert attention from this year's political races, including the New York City mayoral race.
Want to divert attention from flat sales or market share losses?
Syria has denied the allegations, saying they were "misinformation" to divert attention from civil disorder in Iraq after coalition forces took control of most of the country.
Lord Strathclyde said Labour was attacking the decision in an attempt to divert attention from Prime Minister Tony Blair's "stuffing" of the Lords with his own supporters.
Not only does it divert attention from overdue police reforms.
Wynn Resorts responded to the suit with filings and statements saying it had done nothing wrong and that Mr. Okada's suggestions were attempts to divert attention from other issues.
They said it was against House rules to call the speaker a "cry-baby, " and said Democrats were just trying to divert attention from Clinton's inability to balance the budget.
Their supporters argue that the legal action brought by Overstock is a crude tactic by its mercurial boss, Patrick Byrne, to divert attention from its long history of underperformance.
ECONOMIST: Short-selling litigation: An enlightening mistake | The
But with many Indonesians preoccupied with the meeting of the country's new assembly and the picking of a president, the soldiers are eager to divert attention from their folly in East Timor.
He said Mr Ervine's challenge to the secretary of state to arrest him was "designed to divert attention from the very real issues that people who associate with paramilitaries should face up to".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | PUP 'being pushed from politics'
"We regret that Craigslist felt compelled to resort to unfounded and unsubstantiated claims in order to divert attention from actions by Craigslist's board that unfairly diluted our minority interest, " eBay spokeswoman Kim Rubey said in a statement.
Hathaway made it clear she would answer one question about the incident, but that she would not allow the interview to get out of control and to divert attention from the movie she is so obviously proud of.
FORBES: Media Training: Anne Hathaway Artfully Diverts Today's Matt Lauer
His successor, General Manuel Jose Bonett, has gone back to the classics, telling a news-magazine that he felt he was living in the long-ago Athens of Aristophanes, where corrupt leaders took their countries to war to divert attention from troubles at home.
ECONOMIST: That��s this Sunday, and the run-off rivals are neck and neck
Naturally, therefore, Mr Olmert's critics in Israel suspect that he is pursuing the Syria track merely to divert attention from how badly talks on a peace deal with the Palestinian president, Fatah's Mahmoud Abbas, have been going, and from some recent corruption scandals.
Many protesters believe that Erdogan is playing to his base of culturally conservative voters, a strategy in line with his views as a pious Muslim as well as one that protestors see as an attempt to divert attention from the operation in Uludere.
Mr. JOHN BOLTON (U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.): I don't think it's helpful to divert attention from seeking to get a permanent sustainable solution based on the approach that we and the French have been taking, and that's the approach we're going to continue to work on.
He claims Mr Mugabe's presence will "divert attention" from big issues such as poverty, climate change and health.
Protesters claimed BP was using the arts in a bid to divert attention away from its impact on the environment.
The amendment allows a rancher to divert his attention from livestock to wildlife management and still keep his agricultural tax exemptions.
Israel is concerned that Assad, if he is facing defeat, might try to draw Israel into the fighting to divert attention away from his internal struggles.