They then began to divide into embryos, but none grew past the six-cell stage.
Conceptually, spending from the various categories generates an equal amount of income, which we divide into separate categories also.
CT, voters divide into groups to register their support for a particular candidate.
CNN: Edwards, Kucinich agree to share support in Iowa caucuses
Rockefeller's Standard Oil Co. had abused its monopoly power to keep others from competing and ordered the company to divide into 34 separate companies.
WSJ: Sherman Stirs: U.S. Revives Section 2 of the Antitrust Act
Modern mammals divide into three overarching groups: the placentals (most species, including man), the marsupials (kangaroos and their like) and the monotremes (the egg-laying platypus and echidnas).
The rest of the states divide into those that do not allow concealed weapons on campuses (21) and those that permit colleges to set their own gun policies (24).
The Crow's Nest consists of one room with partitions that divide into four cubicles, with a single bed in three and a double in the other - presumably suitable for partners or golfers who don't mind sharing.
Professor Zhang Deming, President of Shanghai TV University, will receive the prize on behalf of his university for its project Turning the Digital Divide into Digital Opportunity: The Project for Building the Digital Lifelong Learning System in Shanghai.
For starters we have our own cuts, and we like to separate the different types of meat by its texture and shape, so for example what you guys call T-bone we actually divide into two different cuts: the boneless Lomo and the small steak Costeleta.
It has been said that the members of the Senate divide into two groups: those who look into the bathroom mirror each morning imagining they hear "Hail to the Chief, " and those who do not -- with the latter list thought to be the shorter.
In analysing China's economic forays into Europe, it helps to divide them into three categories (even if some of these distinctions are fuzzier in China than elsewhere).
ECONOMIST: Capital and companies from China are sidling into Europe
For the sake of organization, it's also possible to divide songs into different playlists.
ENGADGET: Whyd mines YouTube, Soundcloud and others for songs Spotify can't deliver (hands-on)
Those pondering economic routes that emerging markets might take divide roughly into three camps.
Such primitive assemblages then divide easily into risk-prone foragers and risk-averse parents and nurses.
One way to size-up the world is to divide people into four categories.
The rest of the world does not divide neatly into American partisan perceptions.
The operators simply put up warehouses and divide them into many rooms, each with five machines but separate electric meters.
Take non-monthly expenses like your vacations, holiday shopping, and perhaps some tax and insurance bills and divide them into a monthly amount.
It is necessary to divide costs into public costs and private costs.
FORBES: The Alcohol Prohibitionists Really Do Need To Learn Their Economics
Finnigan notes that Google Plus, the new Google social networking site, makes it easier to divide contacts into discreet groups like friends, family, and professional contacts.
FORBES: More Employers Using Social Media to Hunt for Talent
The basic task that we have as astronomers studying galaxies is trying to classify them and divide them into their basic categories, which have been with us almost a century.
Banks divide robberies into two types: takeovers and note-jobs.
His Palestinian critics divide themselves into two broad streams.
Today, in terms of both assets and profits, you can just about divide HSBC into three geographic slices: North America, Europe and emerging markets like Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.
Scientists divide bacteria into so-called "gram positive" varieties like Strep, which lack rigid cell walls and can be stained with dye, and "gram negative" ones that have cell walls and aren't dyeable.
He says because the companies didn't decide to divide patients into those with and without APOE until after the study finished, there is a meaningful risk that the positive results are due solely to chance.
The company is also changing its structure: from April 1 it will divide itself into two business units: Smart Devices and Mobile Phones, with the former focusing on high-end smartphones and the latter, mass-market mobile phones.