Local revenues divided by metro population with populations in two-team markets divided in half.
The enterprise value multiple (market cap plus debt, divided by operating income) is a cheap 4.9.
Inventory days are calculated as inventories divided by cost of goods sold (COGS), multiplied by 365.
Today Greek and Turkish Cypriots live in peace but are divided by bitter memories.
Jurors were then taken to Hintlesham Fisheries, made up of two lakes divided by a track.
Congressional expert Ron Peters of the University of Oklahoma says Democrats are divided by the bill.
Relative to Treasuries, the earnings yield (earnings per share divided by the share price) favors stocks.
At 12%, you could double your initial investment every six years (72 divided by 12).
The children are divided by age to ensure toddlers and teens have different activities.
But the belated investigation has polarised a country already deeply divided by the past.
This will be divided by the lawyers according to their proportions of the overall fee award.
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The unduplicated headcount of varsity athletics participants divided by the total undergraduate population, multiplied by 100.
This phone company's enterprise multiple (market value plus debt minus cash, divided by Ebitda) is 9.
Ernst looks at net income before extraordinary items divided by the sum of common and preferred equity and long-term debt.
Seoul is a bustling, sprawling city of 10 million, ringed by mountains and divided by the Han River.
He uses a simple ratio consisting of the stock's current price divided by the price six months ago.
AXA, a French insurer, had a combined ratio (claims plus expenses, divided by premiums) of 111% in 2001.
This is the cost of goods sold divided by the average value of inventory for a given period.
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Thorndike uses the method adopted by Romney to draw comparisons: total taxes owed divided by adjusted gross income.
Even in the old South, Anglophone America was not as strictly divided by race as Mr Rodriguez supposes.
Edwards jumped into his traditional stump speech, urging Americans to work for a nation that isn't divided by wealth.
By "yield" here I mean the earnings yield, or earnings divided by price.
M1 velocity (NGDP divided by M1) fell by 29.1% from 3Q2008 to 3Q2011.
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The annual yield, meaning dividends divided by the stock price, is now 2.9%.
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We define non-GAAP EPS as non-GAAP net income divided by the weighted average outstanding shares, on a fully-diluted basis.
"Velocity" is defined, roughly, as gross domestic product divided by the money supply.
Total FTE (full-time equivalent) undergraduate students divided by total FTE instructional staff not teaching in graduate or professional programs.
Nations once divided by great gulfs of geography and military rivalry are now linked by surging currents of commerce.
Given the example's six-month holding period, the spread should be divided by 0.5.
It was a nation divided by postcodes and accents, schools and last names.