In trials among 2, 500 needle users in Thailand, placebo and vaccine will be divided evenly.
There were 248 patients in the study, divided evenly between each group.
There would be 12 voting members divided evenly between Democrats and Republicans.
FORBES: The Budget Stalemate Shows The Need For Monetary Reform
His 5.5 million Facebook fans are divided evenly between the U.S. and internationally, and the split between men and women is even.
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The Senate is divided evenly between Republicans and Democrats, and early indications are that budget writers there do not have enough votes to guarantee passage.
Most of that money would be divided evenly among all Americans.
ECONOMIST: Maria Cantwell and the politics of global warming
Moreover, Canadian private investment is divided evenly between machinery and equipment, which boost productivity sharply, and structures that store and transport goods, which have less of an impact.
The rest of the time is divided fairly evenly between Facebook messaging and posting updates.
When I've done this with groups in the past, I always end up spending the most on shared expenses, because they are never divided up evenly.
Also, if voters are not familiar with all candidates, and do not rank them all, the unassigned points must be divided up evenly between the unranked candidates.
Although the poll showed Americans divided almost evenly over whether they approve of the president's Iraq policy, 55 percent said it was not a mistake to send U.S. troops there, compared with 42 percent who thought it was a mistake.
In an almost evenly divided Senate, that could be a hard number to reach.
One certainty that did emerge on Election Night was a more evenly divided Congress.
It plans to sell 70 or so a year, evenly divided between private pilots and commercial buyers.
He says Wilcrest now has about 500 members, and is evenly divided among white, Latino and black members.
So 13 electoral-college votes can mean a lot when the national electorate is evenly divided, as it is today.
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Mainline Protestants were evenly divided, but Romney won 79 percent of white evangelicals.
FORBES: In Election 2012's Aftermath, Biblical Christians Will Become Increasingly Marginalized
Vermonters remain almost evenly divided in their support or rejection of the law.
ECONOMIST: Education in Vermont: Robin Hood rides again | The
Asked who would deal better with problems facing rural areas or the economy more generally, rural voters are about evenly divided.
The participants were evenly divided between blacks and whites, males and females.
CNN: Study: Blacks suffer heart failure at alarmingly high rates
Polls show that though the public is willing to wait the process out, the virtue of patience would seem to be evenly divided.
The cuts are roughly evenly divided between military and domestic spending.
"It is an evenly divided district, " Maloney said of his constituents.
About two-thirds said they approved of civil unions for gays and lesbians, and those were evenly divided among Dean and Kerry, with each getting about one-third.
Outside spending on the race is roughly evenly divided between left and right, though conservatives have gained a slight edge recently, according to the Sunlight Foundation.
The Eggon community are a microcosm of Nigeria - they are said to be evenly divided between Christians and Muslims but many people continue to follow traditional religions.
McCain and Feingold were successful in the Senate back in April because the chamber was -- at the time -- evenly divided, with 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats.
With polls showing the public evenly divided on the constitution, the French government feared that ratification of the services directive could tip the referendum outcome towards a Non.
Opinion among the seven councils seems to be evenly divided.
Our YouGov poll (see chart) shows opinion fairly evenly divided.