It has agreed that the sea-bed and its oil riches should be divided up into national sectors.
After all, it's divided up into regionals, and, quaintly, regional is really a word borrowed from high-school tournaments.
It's been a controversial measure in part because of the way it is divided up into different weight categories.
Baghdad may end up divided into fortified sectarian enclaves anyway.
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All the tournament's teams are staying at University of Surrey's sports halls of residence at their sports park in Guildford and we've divided up our block into four families with six or seven team members to each floor.
Some performances have up to a hundred roles, divided into historical, religious, political, social, supernatural, real, imaginary and fantasy characters.
In the final carve-up, the protocol divided the industrialised countries into eight groups with different targets for reducing their greenhouse gases.
It was also the chief who divided up the two plates of rice that were pushed into the cell every day.
The basket of goods and services is divided into 12 broad categories, and every year the ONS comes up with weightings for each category based on how often they are bought by an average person.
Among the facility's chief design features on the ground floor is the digital learning suite: a large, flexible space that can be divided into two discrete media labs or function as an open auditorium for up to 100 students, with specially designed mobile computer workstations.
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The main screen displays a map of Britain divided into 61 regions, each one of which holds some of the 659 seats up for grabs.
The girls were divided into teams, each named after a famous female technologist or scientist, and asked to come up with a new piece of sport technology, from apps through to running shoes.
Ranging from 1919 to 1994, the set is divided into sections on the blues, church roots, party songs, standard tunes (slow and up-tempo), jazz originals, scat-singing and novelties, though the compiler acknowledges that many of his pieces overlap their pigeonholes.