Perhaps the divorce rate goes up for career women because their men cannot handle their success and feel threatened.
If stepmothers weren't so unhappy, the divorce rate for second marriages, as high as 60% to 75%, might be reduced.
Figures released in December by the Office for National Statistics showed the divorce rate rose by almost 5% in 2010.
With the rise in the divorce rate has come a sobering realisation: the interests of individual family members may differ.
The divorce rate rose by half between 1990 and 1998, and more and more Japanese are choosing not to marry at all.
ECONOMIST: Social conventions and demography add to the sclerosis
China's divorce rate rose from 4.7% in 1981 to 12% last year.
The divorce rate in Austria hit an all time high of 50% in 2006, with 66% of marriages in Vienna ending in divorce.
Statistics reveal the divorce rate in India remains under 2 percent.
The American divorce rate doubled between 1960 and 1996, and the percentage of births to unmarried mothers climbed steadily from 5% in 1960 to 32% in 1996.
Perhaps women have adapted to the changing demands of our society, and it is men who have failed to adapt themselves to the times thus resulting in a higher divorce rate?
Demographic factors such as the growing number of single person households, longer life expectancy and a higher divorce rate have contributed to demand and the upward pressure on prices.
Analyzing data of thousands of Norwegian couples, they found the divorce rate was higher for those doing equal amounts of housework than couples in which the women did more.
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It was a response to the country's growing divorce rate, which hit an all-time high of 50% in 2006 - indeed, 66% of marriages in Vienna end in divorce.
In the flush of early excitement, it is all too easy to forget that a relationship may turn sour and the figures for turnover at the top suggest a steeply rising corporate divorce rate.
People, I believe, are far more complex than the "facts" which a study that is already slanted to a specific position ("the influence of working women on the divorce rate" for example) will provide.
One thing not mentioned: maybe the divorce rate is higher because women who have an independent income are less likely to stay with an abusive spouse than women who depend upon their abusive spouse for grocery money.
Britain's divorce rate is towards the top end of Europe's league on 1995 trends, 45% of marriages will end in divorce, compared with an average of 30% for the European Union (and of 55% in America).
It is certainly a thriving institution: in the six months to last October, the number of temporary marriages rose by 122%, partly, suggested Iran's notaries' office, because of the rising cost of full-blown weddings, partly because the country's divorce rate had increased by 32%.
The most important aspect of the fifty percent divorce rate on our wedding day is our happy belief that we will be among the half of all married couples who will sustain one another, strengthen one another, and, enliven one another until death cleaves us apart.
They also have a correspondingly high rate of divorce: 43% of male stars have been divorced at least once.
On average, couples in which one partner is a workaholic divorce at twice the average rate, according to a 1999 study conducted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte's Bryan Robinson.
My wife and I were separated at the time, and were in the midst of a possible divorce and experiencing some financial distress, including an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) increase and out of pocket costs for advanced marriage counseling.
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