The DMZ is not entirely devoid of life, of course, at least on its margins.
Inside the DMZ, hundreds of North Korean soldiers marched in a line with backpacks.
That's not quite enough to reach Seoul, which is 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the DMZ.
And, Ben, you were there at the DMZ, and it's like you're in a time warp.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
At heart, however, the DMZ remains a place of limbo, frozen in time by the armistice of 1953.
And we accessed apps that were in the corporate data center, which was right next to the DMZ.
On February 23, 2002, she was stopped at the last military checkpoint before going into the former DMZ.
Known as the DMZ, this is the place where network security traditionally resides: firewalls, IPS systems, Web and email gateways.
This past weekend at Imjingak, an area within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) popular with tourists, business appeared down only slightly.
In hamlets all along the DMZ, soldiers were knee-deep in mud and water as they helped farmers with the spring planting.
Bush flew to the DMZ by helicopter from the South Korean capital, Seoul, just 30 miles (50 km) from the border.
Furthermore, DMZ is becoming less relevant because the Internet touches the network in thousands of places, not ones or tens of places.
Enterprise IT needs to make no changes to the firewall or DMZ.
Mr. Obama will also visit the inter-Korean border known as the demilitarized zone, or DMZ, which every president has done since Ronald Reagan.
South Korean authorities, together with the nearly 30, 000 U.S. forces there, have long prepared for the contingency of massive refugee flows toward the DMZ.
Though parking lots were jammed with Chinese tour groups and Korean families on day trips, the DMZ appeared to have fewer Western visitors than usual.
Earlier on Sunday, Mr Obama visited some of the US personnel based at the the heavily fortified Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) which separates the two Koreas.
To the west, inside the Joint Security Area that is the heart of the DMZ, a tense quiet hangs over the area that divides North from South.
Unconfirmed sightings of big cats, including Siberian tigers and leopards, have also been reported in the DMZ by soldiers, but were not seen by the camera crew.
CNN: Beyond the barbed wire: the accidental paradise of the DMZ
America had already announced that it would move 3, 600 of its troops in South Korea to Iraq, and had moved those along the DMZ somewhat further south.
Along either side of the road lay broad swathes of landmines and a double fence of barbed wire that stretches the 151-mile (248 km) length of the DMZ.
"We've seen around a 20% decrease in business, but it's not too bad, " said Kim Bong-nam, 57, who has been selling hot dogs at the DMZ for 30 years.
It's hard to remember them. (Laughter.) Well, the first question I think I basically answered -- my impressions with respect to the DMZ and the North Korean leadership.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
Established in 1997 to promote peace and conserve the DMZ's biodiversity, last year it embarked on a project to encourage North Korean farmers of the Anbyon plain to preserve the area so red-crowned cranes can return.
CNN: Beyond the barbed wire: the accidental paradise of the DMZ
On the other hand, if we had IPv6 from the very beginning maybe a whole lot more of us would be hosting our blogs, photos, videos, and pretty much everything else right there in a DMZ hosted on their home router.
FORBES: The Link Between Scarce IP Addresses and the Centralization of the Internet
"I remember when only a handful of people came, " says Tran Hong Chi, a guide for the somewhat grisly tours into the Demilitarized Zone or DMZ, a heavily bombed and severely poisoned territory that served as the boundary between north and south Vietnam.