People who blame the society do a disservice to these unfortunate individuals who need help.
We do a disservice to ourselves when we try to explain away such nonsense.
CNN: A fight for Trayvon Martin is a war against stereotypes
You do a disservice to the American public by publishing unfounded and easily disproven claims.
But in doing so, we delude ourselves, as well as do a disservice to high achievers.
Ironically, reformers who keep supporting measures like McCain-Feingold do a disservice to genuine campaign-finance reform, because if bills like this are allowed to masquerade as reform, neither Congress nor the president will get serious about public financing.
Raising the minimum wage by 20% would do them a great disservice and further contribute to the deterioration in the quality of our labor force.
We do ourselves a disservice when we stop listening to one another and start accusing one another of nefarious activity solely based upon our gender.
To give the sequel's readers this distorted lens through which to view climate change and its solution is to do readers a grave disservice.
But refusing to toot your own horn when the right opportunity or need arises can do yourself a big disservice, keeping you from enlisting the support of key decision makers and people well-positioned to help you.
Competing interests do bring different perspectives to public policy, but some of the privileges that religions enjoy are a disservice to all, and must be changed to ensure a level playing field for our attention and support in the battle of ideas.
But if we allow our emotional connection to the manufacturing sector to overshadow the tremendous opportunities our service-based economy offers, we do ourselves a disservice.
FORBES: Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce
Not only do tin-earred hiring partners, managers and executives miss the opportunity to hire great women every day of the week, but they do themselves and their companies a great disservice by not learning what the modern work force looks like, values and needs.