Her career or higher income helps inspire me to do better myself, not bring about instability or unhappiness.
Some longtime advocates for assault victims say they've grown weary of promises to do better.
In startups , entrepreneurs might do better in offering products and services that customers actually want.
They would do better, however, to consider why the Irish voted the way they did.
The founders of Top10.com think regular internet users, when rallied together, can do better.
Miller thought he could do better than his predecessor and planned to out-lawyer his opponents.
People at lower risk actually did seem to do better in ACCORD, he says.
Mr. ZANDI: Well, at the end of the day, they'll probably do better under this plan.
Some patients might do worse than they would under a placebo, while others might do better.
Families saving for college, however, would do better by using a 529 state college savings plan.
"After Enron, late trading, subprime and Pequot, SEC promises to do better ring hollow, " Aguirre says.
It makes sense that when women are in political power, children in that country do better.
Clinton's enemies are going to have to do better than that if he's to thrive.
Mr. UMBERTO ALVARADO (Homeless Person): I was supposed to come here and do better.
"It wants to do better by introducing these provisions allowing fair trial, " she says.
Finally, single earner couples do better than singles and two-earner couples because of the survivor benefits.
FORBES: What Could a Paul Presidency Mean for Your Finances?
"It was a pretty good start, but I can do better, " Tsonga told the ATP Tour.
"Nowhere have I found that public schools do better than private schools, " says E.
What would you like to do better: One is just new kinds of looks.
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The No 10 spin doctors thought they'd never do better, but tonight they believe they have.
BBC: David Cameron, Barack Obama and the Special Relationship
In sum, some studies suggest you may do better investing in allegedly "low growth" markets.
Those less familiar with the actress's most famous films may do better starting there.
WSJ: Lombard on the Path to Stardom | 'Carole Lombard in the Thirties' | By David Mermelstein
Be honest with yourself so you can learn from it and do better next time.
FORBES: Don't Beat Yourself Up (Too Badly) For Missing The Huge September Rally
It's inevitable that when you challenge the system to do better, you will get some pushback.
Startups backed by professional venture capital do better--maybe three out of ten succeed in some fashion.
Burns claims GM can do better already, but he won't say how much better.
Spas and resorts do better when they promise not only relaxation but also recharged batteries.
We must do better and that is what our focus will be going into next week.
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Experts agree that patients do better when sticking with a routine that works for them.